
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

3.4.3 Uninstallation procedure in Linux

To uninstall PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications:

  1. At the host where PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is to be uninstalled, log on as a superuser or use the su command to change the user to a superuser.

  2. Stop all Performance Management services at the local host.

    Display the service information to make sure that no service is running. For details about stopping services and displaying service information, see the chapter that describes startup and termination of Performance Management in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

    Stop all Performance Management services that are running at the local host; this includes all services on both physical and logical hosts.

  3. Execute the following command to start the Hitachi Program Product Installer:


    The Hitachi Program Product Installer starts and displays the initial window.

  4. In the initial window, enter D.

    A list of programs that can be uninstalled is displayed.

  5. Select the Performance Management program that you wish to uninstall and then enter D.

    The selected program is uninstalled. To select a program, move the cursor to the desired program and then select it by pressing the space key.

  6. When uninstallation is completed successfully, enter Q.

    The initial window of the Hitachi Program Product Installer appears again.