
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

3.4.1 Notes before uninstallation and unsetup in Linux

This section provides notes about uninstalling PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications and canceling its setup.

Organization of this subsection

(1) OS user permission required for uninstallation

When you uninstall PFM - Agent, make sure that you use an account that has the superuser permission.

(2) Network

Uninstalling a Performance Management program does not delete port numbers defined in the services file.

(3) Programs

(4) Notes about services

Uninstalling PFM - Agent does not delete the service information that has been registered in PFM - Manager and that will be displayed when using the jpctool service list command. To delete the service information, use the jpctool service delete command on the host on which PFM - Manager is installed. To apply the deletion of service information to the PFM - Web Console host, you must execute the jpctool service sync command to synchronize the agent information between the PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console hosts.

(5) Other

If you uninstall a Performance Management program from a host on which PFM - Web Console has been installed, close all windows on the browser before starting the uninstallation procedure.