
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

3.1.5 Setup procedure in Windows

This subsection describes the setup that is required before you can use PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

[Figure] indicates a setup item whose requirement depends on the environment being used or an optional setup item when you wish to change a default setting.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Registering PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications to PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console

To use PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console for centralized management of PFM - Agents, PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications must be registered into PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console.

If the version of PFM - Manager is 09-00 or later, PFM - Agent is registered automatically, in which case there is no need to perform the procedure described here. However, any data model version of PFM - Agent that is not included in the Release Notes for PFM - Manager must be registered manually. For details about the data model version of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications, see Appendix I. Version Compatibility.

The following shows the procedure for registering a PFM - Agent.

Figure 3‒3: Procedure for registering a PFM - Agent


  • Register PFM - Agent before you set up instance environments.

  • If you are adding the same version of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications to a Performance Management system in which information about PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications has already been registered, there is no need to register the PFM - Agents.

  • If you install a different version of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications on a separate host, set up the old version first and then the new version.

  • If you have installed PFM - Agent on the same host as PFM - Manager, the jpcconf agent setup command executes automatically and the message KAVE05908-I New agent setup (Pfm-Agent-service-key) ended successfully. (version=version) is output to the common message log. Check the result; if the command did not execute correctly, re-execute it. For details about executing commands, see the chapter that describes commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.

(a) Copying the setup files for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications

Copy the setup files from the host where PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications was installed to the host where PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console were installed.

To copy the setup files:

  1. Stop PFM - Web Console if it is running.

  2. Copy the PFM - Agent setup files in the binary mode.

    The table below shows the source and target locations of the files to be copied.

    Table 3‒2: Setup files to be copied

    PFM - Agent setup file


    PFM program name


    Target folder or directory


    PFM - Manager







    PFM - Web Console






(b) Executing the setup command at the PFM - Manager host

To use PFM - Manager to set up PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications, execute the following command:

jpcconf agent setup -key EAP 

An error might occur if the jpcconf agent setup command is executed at a local host where Performance Management programs and services have not stopped completely. If an error occurs, check that all Performance Management programs and services have stopped completely and then re-execute the jpcconf agent setup command.

After completing this step, you can delete the PFM - Agent setup files from the PFM - Manager host.

(c) Executing the setup command at the PFM - Web Console host

To use PFM - Web Console to set up PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications, execute the following command:


After completing this step, you can delete the PFM - Agent setup files from the PFM - Web Console host.

(2) Creating SAP users that are to be used by PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications

To collect performance information, PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications uses RFC (communication protocol of SAP AG) to execute the external management interfaces defined in the SAP system. Therefore, you must prepare in advance the SAP system users who are to be used by PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

This subsection describes the user types, passwords, and authorizations for the SAP users who are created in the SAP system.

(a) User types

The following types of SAP users can be used by PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications:

  • Dialog

  • System

  • Communication

  • Service

(b) Characters permitted for passwords

Define passwords for the SAP users. A password can consist of single-byte numeric characters (from 0 to 9), single-byte alphabetic characters (from a to z, A to Z), and the following single-byte symbols:

!, @, $, %, &, /, (, ), =, ?, ', `, *, +, ~, #, -, _, ., :, {, [, ], }, <, >, |

(c) Required authorizations

You must set the following authorizations (authorization objects) for the users:

  • Authorizations required for a user to establish RFC connection with function modules (S_RFC)

  • Authorizations required in order to use external management interfaces (S_XMI_PROD)

For the value of each authorization, assign a value shown in the tables below or use the built-in configurations (S_RFC_ALL and S_XMI_ADMIN) that specify an asterisk (*) for all items.

Table 3‒3: Authorizations required for a user to establish RFC connection with function modules (S_RFC)





Type of RFC object to be protected

FUGR (function group)


RFC name to be protected




16 (execution)

Table 3‒4: Authorizations required in order to use external management interfaces (S_XMI_PROD)





Company name of the external management tool



Program name of the external management tool



Interface ID


(3) Setting up instance environments

You must set instance information for each SAP system that is to be monitored by PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications. You perform the instance information setting at the PFM - Agent host.

The table below lists and describes the instance information items that are to be specified. Check this information before you start the setup procedure. For details about the instance information for an SAP system, see the SAP system documentation.

Table 3‒5: Instance information for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications



Permitted value

Default value


ID of the SAP system that is to be monitored

Character string (up to 8 bytes)



SAP instance name that is to be monitored (the SAP instance name that has a dialog service, and which can be verified by transaction code SM51)

Character string (up to 20 bytes)

Instance name specified in -inst in the jpcconf inst setup command


Host name of the connection-target application server (the SAP local host, which can be verified by transaction code SM51)

Character string (up to 100 bytes)

Local host name


System number of the SAP system

Numeric characters (up to 2 bytes)



Client name to which the SAP user belongs (system number assigned to the connection-target dialog instance)

Numeric characters (up to 3 bytes)



SAP user name

Character string (up to 12 bytes)



Whether to use an extended password to connect to the SAP system

Y or N

  • Y: Use an extended password.

  • N: Do not use an extended password.



Password of the SAP user

When an extended password is used:

Up to 40 single-byte characters

When an extended password is not used:

Up to 8 single-byte characters



Timing of the connection to the SAP system

Y or N

  • Y: Connect to the SAP system only when performance data is collected. The Agent Collector service is started regardless of the operating status of the SAP system at the time of connection establishment.

  • N: Connect to the SAP system when the Agent Collector service starts. The Agent Collector service is not started if the SAP system is not active at the time of connection establishment.


Store Version#

Store version to be used.

For details about the Store version, see 3.6.2 Updating the Store version to 2.0.

{1.0 | 2.0}



--: None


This setting is required when the version of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is 09-00 or later, and the version of PFM - Base or PFM - Manager on the same host is 08-11 or later, and you are setting up an instance environment for the first time.

  • If no instance environment has been set up, the PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications service cannot be started.

You use the jpcconf inst setup command to construct an instance environment.

To construct an instance environment:

  1. Execute the jpcconf inst setup command with the service key and instance name specified.

    For example, to construct an instance environment for the instance named o246bciSD500 for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications, execute the following command:

    jpcconf inst setup -key EAP -inst o246bciSD500

    Although you can use any instance name in PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications, to simplify management we recommend that you use an instance name that identifies the SAP system that is to be monitored. Normally, a name in the format host-name_SAP-system-ID_system-number is assigned to an instance for an SAP system.

    Note that no underscore (_) is allowed in the jpcconf inst setup command. For example, if the instance name of SAP system is o246bci_SD5_00, specify o246bciSD500 as the instance name of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

  2. Specify instance information for the SAP system.

    Enter the information shown in Table 3-5, in accordance with the command's instructions. You cannot omit any requested items. To use a displayed value (which is the default) press the Enter key.

Once you have entered all items, the instance environment is constructed. The following describes constructed instance environments:

(4) Specifying network settings [Figure]

You must specify network settings only when you change the network configuration where Performance Management is used.

You can set the following two network settings items:

(5) Changing the log file size [Figure]

Performance Management's operating status is output to a log file unique to Performance Management. This log is called the common message log, which consists of two files with a default size of 2,048 kilobytes each. This setting is required only when you wish to change this file size.

For details, see the chapter that describes installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

(6) Changing the performance data storage locations [Figure]

These settings are required only when you wish to change the storage location, backup folder, export folder, partial backup folder, or import folder for the database that stores the performance data managed by PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

The default storage locations for the performance data are as follows:

Storage location

Folder name







Partial backup (for Store version 2.0)


Import (for Store version 2.0)


For details, see 3.6.1 Changing the performance data storage location.

(7) Specifying the connection-target PFM - Manager for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications

On the host where a PFM - Agent is installed, you must specify the PFM - Manager that manages that PFM - Agent. You use the jpcconf mgrhost define command to set the connection-target PFM - Manager.

  • There can be only one PFM - Manager as the connection destination even when multiple PFM - Agents are installed on the same host. Different PFM - Managers cannot be specified for the various PFM - Agents.

  • If a PFM - Agent and PFM - Manager are installed on the same host, that PFM - Manager on the local host is automatically the connection-target PFM - Manager; you cannot change the connection-target PFM - Manager to some other PFM - Manager.

To specify the connection-target PFM - Manager:

  1. Stop all Performance Management services.

    Before you start the setup procedure, you must terminate all Performance Management services that are running on the local host. For details about stopping services, see the chapter that describes starting and stopping services in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

    If a Performance Management service remains active during execution of the jpcconf mgrhost define command, a message is displayed that asks you to terminate the program.

  2. Execute the jpcconf mgrhost define command with the host name of the connection-target PFM - Manager specified.

    For example, if the connection-target PFM - Manager is on host host01, specify the command as follows:

    jpcconf mgrhost define -s host01

(8) Setting up the action log [Figure]

You can log information in the action log when, for example, PFM services start and stop, and the status of the connection to PFM - Manager changes. The action log stores history information that is output in conjunction with the alarms for thresholds related to system load and other conditions.

For details about how to set up the action log, see Appendix J. Outputting Action Log Data.