
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

3.1.3 Installation procedure in Windows

This subsection describes the program installation order for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications and how to install the program from the distribution media.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Program installation order

You must install PFM - Base before you install a PFM - Agent. PFM - Agent cannot be installed on a host where PFM - Base has not been installed.

To install PFM - Agent and PFM - Manager on the same host, install PFM - Manager first and then PFM - Agent. If you are upgrading the Store database from version 1.0 to 2.0, the setup method depends on the order in which PFM - Agent and PFM - Manager or PFM - Base are installed. For details about how to set up Store version 2.0, see 3.6.2 Updating the Store version to 2.0.

Multiple PFM - Agents installed on the same host can be installed in any order.


(2) Installing the program

There are two ways to install the Performance Management program on a Windows host. One uses the distribution media, and the other uses JP1/Software Distribution for remote installation. For details about the method that uses JP1/Software Distribution, see the JP1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1.


If the OS's user account control (UAC) function is enabled, a user account control dialog box might be displayed during installation. If this dialog box is displayed, click the Continue button to continue installation. If you click the Cancel button, installation will be canceled.

To install from the distribution media:

  1. At the host where PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is to be installed, log on as a user with Administrators permission.

  2. Stop all Performance Management services running on the local host.

    Stop the Performance Management services on the physical and logical hosts. For details about how to stop services, see the chapter that describes starting and stopping Performance Management in the JP1/Performance Management Users' Guide.

  3. Insert the provided medium and run the installer.

    Install the program by following the installer's instructions.

    The following items, set when PFM - Manager or PFM - Base is installed, are displayed so that you can check them:

    • User information

    • Installation folder

    • Program folder

  4. Click the Install button to start the installation.


For the installation folder, the one specified when PFM - Manager or PFM - Base was installed is assumed.