
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

3.1.1 What to check before installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications in Windows

This section describes the items to be checked before installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Supported OSs

PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications can run on the following operating systems (OSs):

(2) Network environment setup

This subsection describes the network environment needed for Performance Management operation.

(a)  Setting IP addresses

You must set up the environment for a PFM - Agent host in such a manner that IP addresses can be determined from the host name. PFM - Agent can run only in an environment in which IP addresses can be resolved.

For the monitoring host name (name used as the host name of the Performance Management system), you can use the real host name or an alias name.

  • When the real host name is used as the monitoring host name:

    In a Windows system, set the environment in such a manner that the IP address can be resolved by the host name that is obtained by the hostname command.

  • When an alias name is used as the monitoring host name:

    Set the environment in such a manner that the IP address can be resolved by this alias name.

For details about the monitoring host name setting, see the chapter that describes installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

To set host names and IP addresses, use one of the following methods:

  • Performance Management's host information file (jpchosts file)

  • hosts file

  • DNS

  • The IP addresses specified in the jpchosts file cannot be used to resolve IP addresses for the names of hosts that are monitored by PFM - Agent (such as a host name specified in the ASHOST item).

  • Performance Management can be run in a DNS environment, but it does not support fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). When you specify a monitoring host name, do not include the domain name.

  • If you use Performance Management in multiple LAN environments, use the jpchosts file to set IP addresses. For details, see the chapter that describes installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

  • Performance Management does not run on a host where dynamic IP addresses are assigned by DHCP. Set fixed IP addresses for all hosts on which Performance Management is to be installed.

(b) Setting port numbers

The port numbers listed in the table below are assigned by default to the Performance Management program services. An available port number is assigned automatically to any other service or program each time such a service is started. You must use fixed port numbers when Performance Management is used in a firewall environment. For details about how to fix port numbers, see the chapter that describes installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Table 3‒1: Default port numbers used by the Performance Management program services (for Windows)

Service description

Service name


Port number


Service configuration information management function

Name Server



Port number used by PFM - Manager's Name Server service.

This port number is set at all hosts of Performance Management.

OpenView linkage facility

NNM Object Manager



Port number used for communication between map manager and object manager when the OpenView linkage facility is used with PFM - Manager and PFM - Base.

This port number is set at the host where PFM - Manager and PFM - Base are installed.

Service status management function

Status Server



Port number used by the Status Server service of PFM - Manager and PFM - Base.

This port number is set at the host where PFM - Manager and PFM - Base are installed.

JP1/SLM linkage function




Default port number set in JP1/SLM


--: Not applicable

You should set up your network in such a manner that communication can be established with the port numbers used by these Performance Management program services.

(3) OS user permission required for installation

Make sure that you are using an account that has the Administrators permission when you install PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

(4) Required programs

This subsection describes the programs that are required to install PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications. The following shows the configuration of the programs.

Figure 3‒1: Program configuration


(a) Programs that can be monitored

PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications can monitor the following program:

  • SAP NetWeaver#

To monitor this program, it must be installed on the same host as PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.


This program must be installed on each host that contains a central instance with dialog service (primary application server instance) or a dialog instance (additional application server instance).

(b) Performance Management programs

PFM - Agent and PFM - Base must be installed on the monitoring agent. PFM - Base is a prerequisite program for PFM - Agent. You only need one PFM - Base, even when multiple PFM - Agents and PFM - RMs are installed on the same host.

Note that if you install PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent on the same host, PFM - Base is not required.

If you install PFM - Manager or PFM - Base on a PFM - Agent host, make sure that you install version 10-00. For details about the relationship between hosts on which Performance Management programs are installed and their versions, see the chapter that describes compatibility of versions in a system configuration in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console are required in order to use PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications to monitor SAP system operation.

(5) Installing and setting up in a cluster system

The required network environment and program configuration are different for a cluster system than for a normal non-cluster system. In a cluster system, installation and setup are required at both the executing and the standby nodes. For details, see Chapter 4. Operation in a Cluster System.

(6) Preparing for data collection in the event of a failure

In the event of a problem, you might need to collect such data as memory dumps and user mode process dumps. Specify the settings beforehand so that memory dumps and user mode process dumps will be output in the event of a problem.

(a) Specifying settings in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012

  • User mode process dump output settings

    In the event that an application program terminates abnormally, you can immediately obtain a user mode process dump to investigate the cause of the error by setting the following registry entry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps

    In this registry key, specify the following registry values:

    • DumpFolder: REG_EXPAND_SZ dump-output-folder-name

      (The output folder must have write permissions.)

    • DumpCount: REG_DWORD number-of-dumps-to-be-retained

    • DumpType: REG_DWORD 2

  • If you set the registry entry, a user mode process dump is output for other application programs in addition to JP1 programs. Keep this in mind when you specify the user mode process dump output settings.

  • To create a user mode process dump, disk space equivalent to the size of that user mode process dump is required. Make sure that the specified dump output folder has sufficient disk space.