
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

1.1.6 Extract the SAP system's log information and CCMS alert information

PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications can output periodically to text files the following information about the SAP system:

You can use a log file trapping function, such as the one provided by JP1/Base, to convert the information in a text file to JP1 events. By monitoring these JP1 events from JP1/IM or NNM, you can monitor the SAP system's operating status from JP1/IM or NNM.

For details about how to extract system log information for an SAP system, see Chapter 5. Extracting System Log Information. For details about how to extract CCMS alert information, see Chapter 6. Extracting CCMS Alert Information.