
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

F.2 List of Agent Collector service properties

The following table lists the properties for the Agent Collector service of PFM - Agent for Oracle.

Table F‒2: List of Agent Collector service properties of PFM - Agent for Oracle

Directory name

Property name



First Registration Date

Displays the date and time on which the service was first recognized by PFM - Manager.

Last Registration Date

Displays the date and time on which the service was last recognized by PFM - Manager.

Data Model Version

Displays the version of the data model.



Stores information such as the host name and directories. The properties in this folder cannot be changed.


Displays the name of the current directory where the service runs.

Host Name

Displays the name of the physical host on which the service runs.

Process ID

Displays the process ID of the service.

Physical Address

Displays the IP address and port number of the host on which the service runs when IPv6 communication is disabled.

Physical Address(IPv4)

Displays the IP address (IPv4) of the host on which the service runs when IPv6 communication is enabled.

Physical Address(IPv6)

Displays the IP address (IPv6) of the host on which the service runs when IPv6 communication is enabled.

Port Number

Displays the port number on which the service runs when IPv6 communication is enabled.

User Name

Displays the name of the user who executed the service process.

Time Zone

Displays the time zone in which the service is used.



Stores information about the OS under which the service runs. The properties in this folder cannot be changed.

CPU Type

Displays the CPU type.

Hardware ID

Displays the hardware ID.

OS Type

Displays the type of OS.

OS Name

Displays the name of the OS.

OS Version

Displays the version of the OS.

Network Services


Stores information about the common library for Performance Management communication. The properties in this folder cannot be changed.

Build Date

Displays the date on which the Agent Collector service was created.

INI File

Displays the name of the directory containing the jpcns.ini file.

Network Services



Stores information about the service. The properties in this folder cannot be changed.


Displays the host name in the following format:


Local Service Name

Displays the service ID.

Remote Service Name

Displays the service ID of the Agent Store service to which the Agent Collector service connects.

AH Service Name

Displays the service ID of the Action Handler service on the same host.

JP1 Event Configurations


Specify the condition under which JP1 event is issued.

Each service

The user selects Yes or No from a list (Agent Collector service, Agent Store service, Action Handler service, and Status Server service) to specify whether each service issues JP1 system event.

JP1 Event Send Host

Specify the connection target JP1/Base event server. Note that you can specify the event server on the same logical or physical host that the Action Handler service is running. The value you specify must consist of alphanumeric characters, ".", and "-", and must not exceed 255 bytes. If you exceed 255 bytes, the value you specify is discarded. If you exceed 255 bytes or do not specify this value, the host on which Action Handler service is running is used as the eventissuing host. If you specify localhost, the physical host is set to this property.

Monitoring Console Host

Specify the PFM - Web Console host, if you open a PFM - Web Console login page by using JP1/IM - Manager monitor startup function. The value you specify must consist of alphanumeric characters, ".", and "-", and must not exceed 255 bytes. If you exceed 255 bytes, the value you specify is discarded. If you exceed 255 bytes or do not specify this value, the connection target PFM - Manager host is set to this value.

Monitoring Console Port

Specify the port number (HTTP request port number). The range of the value is from 1 to 65535. If the value you specify is out of the range, the value is discarded. If the value is out of the range or you do not specify this value, 20358 is set to this value.

JP1 Event Configurations


JP1 Event Mode

Specify which type of events to issue when the alarm status changes.

  • JP1 User Event: issuing JP1 user Event.

  • JP1 System Event: issuing JP1 system event.

Detail Records


Detail Records



Stores the properties of a record.


Displays a description of the record. This property cannot be changed.


The user selects Yes or No from a list to specify whether to save the record to the Store database. The record is saved when this value is Yes and the value of Collection Interval is greater than zero.


Displays Yes or No to indicate whether to save the records to the Store database of PFM - Agent for Oracle from JP1/SLM - Manager. For this property, No (fixed value) is displayed. This property is read-only and cannot be changed.


Displays Yes or No to indicate the JP1/SLM - Manager setting for whether to send records to JP1/SLM - Manager. For this property, No (fixed value) is displayed. This property is read-only and cannot be changed.

Collection Interval

Specifies the data collection interval. The value is in seconds, and can be from 0 to 2,147,483,647. When zero is specified, no data is collected.

Collection Offset

Specifies the offset value to apply before the first collection cycle. The value is in seconds, and can be from 0 to 32,767, but must be less than the value specified in Collection Interval. The time at which the collected data is recorded matches the collection interval time, regardless of the offset value.

Over 10 Sec Collection Time

This property is only displayed if collection of historical data takes precedence over the display processing of real-time reports (if the functionality that prioritizes the collection of historical data is enabled).#2 Whether record collection might require 10 seconds or more is indicated by Yes or No.

  • Yes: Might require 10 seconds or more.

  • No: Does not require 10 seconds.

The value of this property cannot be changed.

Realtime Report Data Collection Mode

This property is displayed only when historical data collection takes priority over real-time report display processing. (The history collection priority function is enabled.)

  • Reschedule: Reschedule mode

  • Temporary Log: Temporary log mode

Note that you must specify the temporary log mode (Temporary Log) for records for which Over 10 Sec Collection Time is set to Yes.


Specifies conditions for saving the record to the database. Only records that satisfy the conditions are saved. This property shows the conditional expression (character string) specified in the LOGIF Expression Editor window, which opens when the user clicks LOGIF in the bottom frame of the Properties pane in the PFM - Web Console's Services page.

Interval Records


Stores the properties of a record of PI record type. The record ID of the collected record is shown in bold type.

Interval Records



Stores the properties of the record.


Displays a description of the record. This property cannot be changed.


The user selects Yes or No from a list to specify whether to save the record to the Store database. The record is saved when this value is Yes and the value of Collection Interval is greater than zero.


Displays Yes or No to indicate whether to save the records to the Store database of PFM - Agent for Oracle from JP1/SLM - Manager. For this property, No (fixed value) is displayed. This property is read-only and cannot be changed.


Displays Yes or No to indicate the JP1/SLM - Manager setting for whether to send records to JP1/SLM - Manager. For this property, No (fixed value) is displayed. This property is read-only and cannot be changed.

Collection Interval

Specifies the data collection interval. The value is in seconds, and can be from 0 to 2,147,483,647. When zero is specified, no data is collected.

Collection Offset

Specifies the offset value to apply before the first collection cycle. The value is in seconds, and can be from 0 to 32,767, but must be less than the value specified in Collection Interval. The time at which the collected data is recorded matches the collection interval time, regardless of the offset value.

Over 10 Sec Collection Time

This property is only displayed if collection of historical data takes precedence over the display processing of real-time reports (if the functionality that prioritizes the collection of historical data is enabled).#2 Whether record collection might require 10 seconds or more is indicated by Yes or No.

  • Yes: Might require 10 seconds or more.

  • No: Does not require 10 seconds.

The value of this property cannot be changed.

Realtime Report Data Collection Mode

This property is displayed only when historical data collection takes priority over real-time report display processing. (The history collection priority function is enabled.)

  • Reschedule: Reschedule mode

  • Temporary Log: Temporary log mode

Note that you must specify the temporary log mode (Temporary Log) for records for which Over 10 Sec Collection Time is set to Yes.


Specifies conditions for saving the record to the database. Only records that satisfy the conditions are saved. This property shows the conditional expression (character string) specified in the LOGIF Expression Editor window, which opens when the user clicks LOGIF in the bottom frame of the Properties pane in the PFM - Web Console's Services page.

Log Records


Stores the properties of a record of PL record type. This folder is not used because PFM - Agent for Oracle does not use this record.

Restart Configurations


Specifies the conditions for automatically restarting the PFM services. The condition can be set when the version of PFM - Manager or PFM - Base is 08-50 or later. For details about the PFM service Auto-restart functionality, see the chapter on Performance Management functionality in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Restart when Abnormal Status

Specifies whether to automatically restart a service when the Status Server service cannot obtain the status of the Action Handler service, Agent Collector service, and Agent Store service in a normal state.

Restart when Single Service Running

Specifies whether to automatically restart a service when only either the Agent Collector service or the Agent Store service is running.

Restart Configurations

Action Handler

Auto Restart

Specifies whether to use automatic restart for the Action Handler service.

Auto Restart - Interval (Minute)

Specifies the interval for checking the operating status of a service when automatic restart is used. You can specify a value from 1 through 1,440 (minutes).

Auto Restart - Repeat Limit

Specifies the number of consecutive times restart is attempted when automatic restart is used. You can specify a value from 1 through 10.

Scheduled Restart

Select Yes or No from the list items to specify whether to use the normal restart procedure for the Action Handler service.

Scheduled Restart - Interval

Specifies the restart interval when the normal restart procedure is used. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 1000.

Scheduled Restart - Interval Unit

Selects Hour, Day, Week, or Month from the list items to specify the unit for the restart interval when the normal restart procedure is used.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Year

Specifies the year when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1971 through 2035.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Month

Specifies the month when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 12.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Day

Specifies the day when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 31.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Hour

Specifies the time (hour) when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 0 through 23.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Minute

Specifies the time (minute) when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 0 through 59.

Agent Collector

Auto Restart

Specifies whether to use automatic restart for the Agent Collector service.

Auto Restart - Interval (Minute)

Specifies the interval for checking the operating status of a service when automatic restart is used. You can specify a value from 1 through 1,440 (minutes).

Auto Restart - Repeat Limit

Specifies the number of consecutive times restart is attempted when automatic restart is used. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 10.

Scheduled Restart

Select Yes or No from the list items to specify whether to use the normal restart procedure for the Agent Collector service.

Scheduled Restart - Interval

Specifies the restart interval when the normal restart procedure is used. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 1,000.

Scheduled Restart - Interval Unit

Selects Hour, Day, Week, or Month from the list items to specify the unit for the restart interval when the normal restart procedure is used.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Year

Specifies the year when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1971 through 2035.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Month

Specifies the month when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 12.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Day

Specifies the day when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 31.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Hour

Specifies the time (hour) when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 0 through 23.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Minute

Specifies the time (minute) when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 0 through 59.

Agent Store

Auto Restart

Specifies whether to use automatic restart for the Agent Store service.

Auto Restart - Interval (Minute)

Specifies the interval for checking the operating status of a service when automatic restart is used. You can specify a value from 1 through 1,440 (minutes).

Auto Restart - Repeat Limit

Specifies the number of consecutive times restart is attempted when automatic restart is used. You can specify a value from 1 through 10.

Scheduled Restart

Select Yes or No from the list items to specify whether to use the normal restart procedure for the Agent Store service.

Scheduled Restart - Interval

Specifies the restart interval when the normal restart procedure is used. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 1000.

Scheduled Restart - Interval Unit

Selects Hour, Day, Week, or Month from the list items to specify the unit for the restart interval when the normal restart procedure is used.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Year

Specifies the year when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1971 through 2035.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Month

Specifies the month when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 12.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Day

Specifies the day when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 1 through 31.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Hour

Specifies the time (hour) when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 0 through 23.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Minute

Specifies the time (minute) when restart is performed. You can specify an integer value from 0 through 59.

ITSLM Connection Configuration


Displays information about the linked JP1/SLM - Manager.

ITSLM Connection Configuration

ITSLM Connection


Displays information about the connection-target JP1/SLM - Manager.


Displays the host name of the connected JP1/SLM - Manager. If a connection with JP1/SLM - Manager has not been established, this property is not displayed.


Displays the port number of the connected JP1/SLM - Manager. If a connection with JP1/SLM - Manager has not been established, this property is not displayed.



Specifies whether to end the connection with JP1/SLM - Manager.


Selects from the list items the JP1/SLM - Manager host name that is to be disconnected. If (empty string) is selected from the list items, nothing is done. If a connection with JP1/SLM - Manager has not been established, only (empty string) is displayed in the list items.

Multiple Manager Configuration

Primary Manager

Displays the host name of the monitoring manager specified as the primary manager for multiple monitoring. You cannot change this property.

Secondary Manager

Displays the host name of the monitoring manager specified as the secondary manager for multiple monitoring. You cannot change this property.

Agent Configuration


Stores the properties for settings specific to PFM - Agent for Oracle.

Agent Configuration



Displays an overview of the Agent Collector service.

The properties stored in this folder cannot be changed.


Displays product ID O.


Displays the instance name specified with the jpcconf inst setup command.


Displays the description of the service.


Displays the Oracle version being monitored.

Agent Configuration



Displays the properties of the data collection program of the Agent Collector service.


Displays the value of oracle_home that was specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the value of oracle_sid that was specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the value of oracle_user that was specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the name of the physical host on which the monitored Oracle database is installed.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays Y (connect) or N (do not connect) to indicate whether the Oracle database is to be connected via SQL*NET.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the alias to be used when the Oracle database is to be connected via SQL*NET (when Y is displayed in the SQLNET property).

This property indicates the value that was specified for the net_service_name property when an instance environment was set.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the threshold value for the Overextended (OVEREXTENDED) field for the following records:

  • Database (PD_PDDB)

  • Database Interval (PI_PIDB)

  • Segment Detail (PD_PDSM)

  • Tablespace Fragmentation (PD_PDTF)

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the threshold value for the High Max Extents (HIGH_MAX_EXTENTS) field for the following records:

  • Database (PD_PDDB)

  • Database Interval (PI_PIDB)

  • Tablespace Fragmentation (PD_PDTF)

This property cannot be changed.


Specifies the maximum number of SQL statements to be displayed when they are displayed in descending order (largest values first) of the values in the Disk Reads/Exec fields or Logical Reads/Exec fields, which are in the SQL Text - Performance Bases (PD_PDES) records.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the threshold value for the number of logical read operations executed by SQL statements that is stored in the SQL Text - Performance Based (PD_PDES) record. PFM- Agent for Oracle collects performanc e data only on SQL statements for which the value of the Logical Reads/Exec field is greater than this threshold value.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the threshold value for the number of disk read operations executed by SQL statements that is stored in the SQL Text - Performance Based (PD_PDES) record.

PFM - Agent for Oracle collects performance data only on SQL statements for which the value of the Disk Reads/Exec field is greater than this threshold value.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the value of listener_home specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the value of listener_name specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the number of seconds that reconnection is attempted when an authentication error occurs while connection is being established with Oracle. In UNIX, the value is always set to 0.

This property cannot be changed.


Displays the value of log_path specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property can be changed.#3


Displays the value of log_size specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property can be changed.#3


Displays the value of timeout specified when the instance environment was set up.

If this is updated with a value of 1 to 9 specified, it is not changed. This property can be changed.#3


Displays the value of sql_option specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property can be changed.#3


Displays the value of numeric_10 specified when the instance environment was set up.

This property can be changed.#3


Displays the value of startup_always specified when the instance environment was created. This property can be changed.#3


Displays the value of localtemp_option that you specify when you set up the instance environment.

This property can be changed.#3


Displays the value of undospace_option specified when the instance environment was created.

This property can be changed.#3


Displays the value of nls_lang specified when the instance environment was created.

This property cannot be changed.


--: Not applicable.


The dictionary name is shown as the record ID excluding the database ID. For details about the record ID of each type of record, see 6. Records.


For details, see the chapter on troubleshooting in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.


To reflect updated values, restart the Agent Collector service.