
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

I/O Activity - Top 10 Datafiles(8.0)

Organization of this page


The I/O Activity - Top 10 Datafiles(8.0) report displays in real-time the top 10 data files in terms of the number of disk I/O operations.

Storage location



Data File (PD_PDDF)


Field name


File #

File number

File Name

File name

Physical Reads

Number of physical read operations. To display the Datafile I/O Activity Detail(8.0) report, choose this field.

Physical Writes

Number of physical write operations. To display the Datafile I/O Activity Detail(8.0) report, choose this field.

Drilldown reports (report level)

Report name


Datafile I/O Activity Detail(8.0)

Displays the details about I/O operations for all data files. To display this report, choose the Physical Read or Physical Writes field.

Physical I/O - Top 10 Sessions(8.0)

Displays the top 10 sessions in terms of the number of I/O operations.

Drilldown reports (field level)

Report name


Datafile I/O Activity Detail(8.0)

Displays details about disk I/O operations for a specified data file. To display this report, choose the Physical Reads or Physical Writes field.