
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

Blocking Locks(8.0)

Organization of this page


The Blocking Locks(8.0) report displays real-time information about a session that includes a lock that places another session in wait status.

If you cannot display this report, create Oracle's static dictionary view DBA_WAITERS. To create the static dictionary view DBA_WAITERS, you must execute the CATBLOCK.SQL script provided by Oracle.

PFM - Agent for Oracle does not display this report if the Oracle Database does not have enough performance data to display the report.

Storage location



Lock Waiters (PD_PDLW)


Field name


Holding Session

Session ID that has the lock. To display the Locked Objects(8.0) report, choose this field.

Holding User

Name of the user that has the lock

Mode Held

Lock mode held during data collection

Mode Requested

Lock mode requested during data collection

Waiting Session

Session ID waiting for lock release. To display the Session Detail(8.0) report, choose this field.

Waiting User

Name of the user waiting for the lock to be released

Drilldown reports (report level)

Report name


Longest Transactions - Top 10 Sessions(8.0)

Displays the top 10 transactions in terms of the length of a transaction that places another session in wait status.

Drilldown reports (field level)

Report name


Locked Objects(8.0)

Displays the objects that are locked by the session. To display this report, choose the Holding Session field.

Session Detail(8.0)

Displays detailed information about the session. To display this report, choose the Waiting Session field.