
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.4.2 Updating an instance environment

To update an instance environment, check the name of the instance that you want to update, and change the instance information. The instance information is set from a PFM - Agent host.

Before you change an information item, check the following table. For details about Oracle instance information, see your Oracle documentation.

Table 2‒14: PFM - Agent for Oracle instance information



Specifiable value



The value of this item can be updated.

ID of the monitored Oracle system (same value as the ORACLE_SID environment variable).

A character string of 255 or fewer bytes that does not include the following characters:

  • Spaces

  • Tabs

  • The following symbols:

    , < >

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Oracle home folder (same value as the ORACLE_HOME environment variable).

A character string of 255 or fewer bytes that does not include the following characters:

  • Spaces

  • Tabs

  • The following symbols:

    , < >

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Version number of Oracle Database.

A two-digit number.

  • Oracle 10g: 10

  • Oracle 11g: 11

  • Oracle 12c: 12

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Account for monitoring Oracle (for details about accounts that can be specified, and the required privileges, see 2.1.4(3) Create an Oracle account to be used in PFM - Agent for Oracle).

A character string of 255 or fewer bytes that does not include the following characters:

  • Spaces

  • Tabs

  • The following symbols:

    , < >

Previous value

oracle_passwd#2, #3

The value of this item can be updated.

Specify the password for the account specified in oracle_user.

A character string of 255 or fewer bytes that does not include the following characters:

  • Spaces

  • Tabs

  • The following symbols:

    , < >

Previous value

sqlnet#1, #4

The value of this item can be updated.

Specify Y for any of the following three cases:

If using an Oracle RAC configurationFor details on the RAC configuration, see the Oracle documentation.

.If using a PD_PDIA record to monitor the availability of a listener

If any Oracle service is running on an account other than the local system account.

If you specify N for the case 1 or 3, above, Oracle might encounter an error.

{ Y | N }

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Net service name of the monitored database. This value is enabled if you specified Y in sqlnet. For details about the net service name of the monitored database, see the Oracle documentation.

A character string of 255 or fewer bytes that does not include the following characters:

  • Spaces

  • Tabs

  • The following symbols:

    , < >

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Specify the environment variable ORACLE_HOME of the Oracle component containing the listener you want to monitor.

A character string of 255 or fewer bytes that does not include the following characters:

  • Spaces

  • Tabs

  • The following symbols:

    , < >

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Specify the name of one listener that you want to monitor using the PDLS record. If a PDLS record is not being used to monitor the listener, specify the default listener name "LISTENER". This is because even though the specified value is not used, a blank is not permitted.

A character string of 255 or fewer bytes that does not include the following characters:

  • Spaces

  • Tabs

  • The following symbols:

    , < >

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

The number of seconds for which reconnection is attempted when an authentication error is output during Oracle connection.

If an authentication error occurs after the specified period has passed, the PFM - Agent for Oracle service stops. When the value is 0, the PFM - Agent for Oracle service stops without retrying to re-establish connection in the event of an authentication error.

This item is enabled when startup_always is N.

The specification of this item is ignored when startup_always is Y.

0 to 600 (in seconds).

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Specify the absolute path name of the agent log output folder.

A character string of 245 or fewer bytes that does not include the following characters:

  • Tabs

  • The following symbols:

    / : , ; * ? " < > |

  • You can specify the path to a folder under the installation folder only when the default folder is set.

  • You cannot specify the path to a folder that is used as the output destination of another instance.

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Specify the maximum size of each agent log file.

1 to 32 (in kilobytes). 16 or a greater value is recommended.

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

The timeout period for Oracle access during a query.

0, or 10 to 3600 (in seconds).

When 0 is specified, timeout monitoring is not performed. When a value from 1 to 9 is specified, it is changed to 10 at runtime.

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

When Y is specified, information about the following items#5 is not collected for PI_PIDB and PD_PDTS records, and the value specified by 0 or numeric_10 is set.

{ Y | N }

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

When sql_option is set to Y, the value specified is set for items for which information is not collected. If sql_option is set to N, this specification is disregarded.

0 to 99999.

Note that if the value specified exceeds the maximum value for the data format of the set field (32767 for short and 65535 for ushort), the maximum value for the data format is set.#6

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

PFM - Agent for Oracle may stop due to an Oracle connection error, such as when the monitored Oracle is still starting up when PFM - Agent for Oracle starts up.

If Y is specified, start processing continues even if a connection error occurs. If N is specified, start processing will stop if an error occurs.

{ Y | N }

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Option for switching the display of the free space of the locally managed temporary tablespace of PD_PDDB, PI_PIDB, PD_PDDF, PI_PIDF, PD_PDTF, PD_PDTS, and PD_PCTS records.

If Y is specified, display the size of the free space. If N is specified, display the size of the unallocated space.

{ Y | N }

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Option for switching how the value displayed as the free space in the UNDO tablespace of the PD_PDDB, PI_PIDB, PD_PDDF, PI_PIDF, PD_PDTS, and PD_PCTS records is determined.

If N is specified, the size of the unallocated space is displayed.

If Y is specified, the size of the free space is displayed.

{ Y | N }

Previous value


The value of this item can be updated.

Option for specifying the character encoding used for communication between PFM - Agent for Oracle and Oracle Database.

Character code set:

  • In Japanese Windows:


  • In Simplified-Chinese Windows:


  • Other case:


Previous value


--: None


For monitoring of the Oracle database, the 32-bit Oracle Client has been the required product in PFM - Agent for Oracle 10-50 or earlier. However, in PFM - Agent for Oracle 11-00 or later, the Oracle Client 64-bit library is used for monitoring.

The setting method for version 10-50 or earlier cannot be used to connect to an Oracle Database. Therefore, you must set up PFM - Agent for Oracle version 11-00 or later on the assumption that Oracle Client 64-bit is used.


PFM - Agent for Oracle

10-50 or earlier

11-00 or later


Specify the Oracle home folder for Oracle Client 32-bit.

Specify the Oracle home folder for Oracle Database.


Specify the version of Oracle Client 32-bit.

Specify the version of Oracle Database.


Specify Y

Specify a value according to the conditions described in Table 2-14.


Specify the net service name that can be used to connect to the monitoring-target Oracle Database specified in Oracle Client 32-bit.

If you specify Y for sqlnet, specify this item. Specify the net service name that can be used to connect to the monitoring-target Oracle Database specified in Oracle Database.

  • PFM - Agent for Oracle 11-00 or later uses the Oracle Client 64-bit library included with the Oracle database, so you do not need to install the 64-bit Oracle Client.

  • To upgrade PFM - Agent for Oracle 10-50 or earlier to 11-00 or later, instance information is subject to change, and must therefore be updated before starting the PFM - Agent for Oracle service.

    Note that Oracle Client 32-bit is no longer needed, and can be uninstalled if it is not used by any product other than PFM - Agent for Oracle.

  • If you specify ORACLE_HOME for Oracle Client 32-bit and start PFM - Agent for Oracle, the KAVF12020-E message appears.


To change an account for monitoring Oracle, use the following procedure:

  1. Delete the objects created by the account you want to change.

  2. Register new objects as the new account.

Performance data is not deleted when a account is changed.

For details about how to delete objects, see 2.2.2(1)(b) Deleting the objects registered in the Oracle Database. For details about how to register objects, see 2.1.4(4)(b) Registering objects in the Oracle Database.


If the expiration date is set on oracle_passwd, once the password is out of date connections to Oracle fail so that PFM - Agent for Oracle cannot collect the performance information. In order to avoid connection errors, perform either of the following procedures before the password is expired:

  • Unset the expiration date of the password

  • After updating password, execute the jpcconf inst setup command to update oracle_passwd.

Note that the Oracle DEFAULT profile is applied to the Oracle account created by mk_user.sql.


Specify whether to use Oracle network services.

  • If Y is specified:

    PFM - Agent for Oracle connects to Oracle via a listener that is made up of Oracle network services.

    In this case, you must set the Oracle network service definitions (such as tnsnames.ora and listener.ora).

    When monitoring Oracle Database instances in an Oracle RAC configuration, set up the PFM - Agent for Oracle so that it monitors Oracle Database instances on each node. For details about how to set up, see the Oracle documentation.

    Store the tnsnames.ora file in the following directory.


If tnsnames.ora is located on other folder, PFM - Agent for Oracle cannot connect to Oracle.

  • If N is specified:

    PFM - Agent for Oracle connects to the local database without using the Oracle network services.


To obtain each piece of Oracle segment-related information, PFM - Agent for Oracle searches Oracle's static data dictionary views DBA_SEGMENTS. If a large number of segments (more than hundreds of thousands) exist for Oracle, information collection requires a significant amount of time. As such, when a large number of segments exist, and the information listed in the following table no longer needs to be collected, set the sql_option to Y during operation.

Table 2‒15: Record names and the values specified for numeric_10 (updating instance information)

Record Name

PFM - View name

Value specified for numeric_10







DB Files %


Log Files %


NextAlloc Fails




Rollback Segments


Rollback Segments Trans








Free Mbytes




High Max Extent






Free Extents




Free Change






Redo Files




Links Logged On


Links In Tran


Links Open Cursors


Used Change


Used Mbytes


Rollback Segments Hit%


Sort Segments


Sorting Users


Physical Blocks Read

Always set to 0 because it is a delta item.

Physical Blocks Written

Always set to 0 because it is a delta item.

Physical Reads

Always set to 0 because it is a delta item.

Physical Writes

Always set to 0 because it is a delta item.


If the field format for each record is float or double, since the data is a floating-point number, it may be rounded depending on the specified value.


When numeric_10 is set to 32767, it may be displayed as 32760.


When localtemp_option is set to N, collect free space of the locally managed temporary tablespace and information about the extents from v$temp_space_header of the dynamic performance view. The displayed values of the size of free space are the size of the unallocated space. Since the allocated space is not freed until the temporary tablespace is reconstructed or recreated, the displayed values of free space do not increase until the space is freed.

When localtemp_option is set to Y, collect free space of the locally managed temporary tablespace and information about the extents from v$sort_segment or v$temp_extent_pool of the dynamic performance view. The displayed values of the size of free space are calculated from the size of the used space.

When issuing query to v$temp_extent_pool view, the Oracle instance goes to sleep. Since this may have effect on the performance of the Oracle instance, you need adequate consideration before localtemp_option is set to Y. For details, see your Oracle documentation.

The following records use v$temp_extent_pool view:

  • Data File (PD_PDDF)

  • Data File Interval (PI_PIDF)


When undospace_option is set to N, the size of the unallocated space is collected as the amount of free space in the UNDO tablespace. Space in the UNDO tablespace that becomes available because its retention period has expired is treated as allocated space until it is released.

When undospace_option is set to Y, the size of the free space is collected as the amount of free space in the UNDO tablespace. Space of the UNDO tablespace that becomes available because its retention period has expired is included in the size of the free space.

The following table shows the fields whose values change depending on the specification of the undospace_option:

Table 2‒16: The fields whose values change depending on the specification of the undospace_option

Record name

Field name

Data File (PD_PDDF)

Free %

Free Mbytes

Used Mbytes

Data File Interval


Free %

Free Change

Free Mbytes

Used Change

Used Mbytes

Database (PD_PDDB)

Free %

Free Mbytes

Used Mbytes

Database Interval


Free %

Free Change

Free Mbytes

Used Change

Used Mbytes

Tablespace (PD_PDTS)

Free %

Free Mbytes

Used Mbytes

Max Extend Free %

Max Extend Free Mbytes

Collection Tablespace 2


Free Mbytes

Use the jpcconf inst list command to check the instance name. To update an instance environment, use the jpcconf inst setup command.

Updating an instance environment involves the steps described below. To update multiple instance environments, repeat the procedure for each instance environment.

To update an instance environment:

  1. Find the instance name.

    Execute the jpcconf inst list command specified with the service key that indicates PFM - Agent for Oracle.

    jpcconf inst list -key Oracle

    If the specified instance name is SDC, the command displays SDC.

  2. If the PFM - Agent for Oracle service is active in the instance environment that is to be updated, stop the service.

    For details about stopping services, see the chapter on starting and stopping Performance Management in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

    If the service is still active in the instance environment that is to be updated when you execute the jpcconf inst setup command, a confirmation message is displayed to enable you to stop the service. If you stop the service, update processing resumes; if you do not stop the service, update processing is canceled.

  3. Execute the jpcconf inst setup command specified with the service key that indicates PFM - Agent for Oracle and the instance name.

    For example, if you are updating the instance environment for the PFM - Agent for Oracle with instance name SDC, execute the following command:

    jpcconf inst setup -key Oracle -inst SDC
  4. Update the instance information for Oracle.

    Enter the information shown in Table 2-14 in accordance with the command's instructions. The current settings are displayed (except for the value of oracle_passwd). To use the displayed value, press the Enter key. When you have finished entering information, the instance environment is updated.

  5. Restart the service in the updated instance environment.

    For details about starting services, see the chapter on starting and stopping Performance Management in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.


The following figure shows the relationship among data, language environment of the OS, and instance information handled by PFM - Agent for Oracle.

Figure 2‒5: Relationship between data and the setting values


PFM - Agent for Oracle can collect performance data in SJIS (in Japanese Windows) and GB18030 (in Simplified-Chinese Windows) format as well as 7-bit ASCII format.

Acceptable values for the nls_lang instance information depend on the combination of the language environment of the OS and the database character set of the monitored Oracle. The following table lists acceptable values for the nls_lang instance information for each combination.

OS language of PFM - Agent for Oracle installed

NLS_CHARACTERSET of the monitored Oracle

(Database character set)

nls_lang instance information (this item)













other language




Performance data is collected within the scope of 7-bit ASCII characters, likely resulting in unreadable characters.

For any other combination, performance data is collected within the scope of 7-bit ASCII characters, likely resulting in unreadable characters.

When you specify an invalid character code set for the nls_lang instance information, the message KAVF12302-W with errcode 12705 is output, and the connection with Oracle will fail.

In the following cases as well, unreadable characters might occur in the performance data:

  1. The Oracle column length is exceeded.

  2. If you store data that exceeds the Oracle column length, the last character might become unreadable. If you use PFM - Agent for Oracle to collect data in Oracle and that data contains unreadable characters, the last character of the performance data will be unreadable.

  3. The field size of PFM - Agent for Oracle is exceeded.

    PFM - Agent for Oracle collects performance data of the record field size from Oracle. Therefore, if Oracle contains data that exceeds the field size, the last character of the performance data might be unreadable. The following table lists the applicable fields:

    Record name

    Field name

    Filed size (unit: bytes)

    Database Object Cache(PD_PDDO)

    Object Name


    Errorlog Detail(PD_PDEL)



    Parameter Values(PD_PDP)



    SQL Text(PD_PDSQ)

    Explain Plan


    SQL Text


    SQL Text - Performance Based(PD_PDES)

    SQL Text


    Table Access(PD_PDTA)

    Object Name



If you want to change an item that cannot be updated, delete the instance environment and then re-create it.

For details about commands, see the chapter on commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.