
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.1.2 Preparation for installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Oracle

Check the following before installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Oracle.

Organization of this subsection

(1) OS requirements

PFM - Agent for Oracle runs on the following OSs:

(2) Network environment settings

The following describes the network environment required to run Performance Management.

(a) IP address settings

The PFM - Agent for Oracle host must be set up in a network environment where IP addresses can be resolved from host names. PFM - Agent for Oracle will not start in an environment where IP addresses cannot be resolved.

PFM - Agent for Oracle can run in an IPv6 environment and dual stack environment in addition to an IPv4 environment. To run PFM - Agent for Oracle in an IPv6 environment, the monitored Oracle database must support IPv6 environments.

You can use the real host name or the alias name as a monitoring host name (a host name used in Performance Management system).

  • When using a real host name

    Execute the hostname command on a Windows system or uname -n command on a UNIX system to check the host name, and set up the environment so that it can resolve IP addresses. Note that on a UNIX system, the host name obtained by the hostname command can also be used.

  • When using an alias name

    Set up the environment so that an IP address can be resolved from the specified alias name.

For details about the configuration of a monitoring host name, see the chapter on installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Use one of the following methods to set the host name and IP address of a host monitored by Performance Management programs:

  • Host information settings file for Performance Management (jpchosts file)

  • hosts file

  • DNS (Domain Name System)


    Notes on setting IP addresses:

    • Although the Performance Management programs and PFM - Agent for Oracle can operate in a DNS environment, they do not support host names in FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) format. When you specify an IP address, use the host name returned by the hostname command after removing the domain name portion.

    • If you intend to use Performance Management within multiple LAN environments, set the IP addresses in the jpchosts file. For details, see the chapter on installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

    • Performance Management cannot operate on the hosts to which IP addresses are assigned dynamically by DHCP. Make sure that all the hosts on which Performance Management programs are installed are configured with user-specified static IP addresses.

Performance Management supports IPv6 environments as well as IPv4 environments as a network configuration. Therefore, Performance Management can operate even in a network configuration in which both an IPv4 environment and an IPv6 environment are used.

PFM - Agent for Oracle can communicate with PFM - Manager via IPv6. Note that this explanation applies only when the OS of a host on which PFM - Agent for Oracle and PFM - Manager are installed is Windows or Linux.

For details about the scope of communication in an environment with both IPv4 and IPv6, see M. About Communication in IPv4 Environments and IPv6 Environments.

When you want to use IPv6 for communication between PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent for Oracle, the settings for using IPv6 must be enabled for both the PFM - Manager host and the PFM - Agent host. In addition, before installing PFM - Agent for Oracle, you need to enable the use of IPv6 on the PFM - Agent host. You have to execute the jpcconf ipv6 enable command to enable this setting. If this setting is already enabled, however, you do not need to execute the command. If you want to check whether the use of IPv6 is enabled, execute the jpcconf ipv6 display command.

For details about the jpcconf ipv6 enable command and jpcconf ipv6 display command, see the chapter that describes commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference. For details about the conditions or occasions for executing the jpcconf ipv6 enable command, see the chapter that describes network configuration examples in an environment that includes IPv6 in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

When you use IPv6 for communication between a monitored host and PFM - Agent for Oracle, specify the name of a monitored host where name resolution can be performed.

Communication between PFM - Agent for Oracle and a monitoring target is performed with an IP address that can be resolved. Also, if an IPv4 environment and an IPv6 environment are both used, and communication between PFM - Agent for Oracle and the monitoring target fails with an IP address that can be resolved, the communication is not retried by using another IP address.

For example, if communication fails when IPv4 is used, IPv6 is not used to retry communication. Similarly, if communication fails when IPv6 is used, IPv4 is not used to retry communication. Make sure beforehand that a connection can be established.

(b) Port number settings

The following table shows the default port numbers assigned to the services of Performance Management programs. For other services and programs, available port numbers are automatically assigned each time they are started. If you use Performance Management in a firewall environment, use fixed port numbers. For details about how to set fixed port numbers, see the chapter on installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Table 2‒1: Default port numbers for Performance Management program services (in Windows)

Service description

Service name


Port number


Service configuration information management facility

Name Server



The port number used by the Name Server service of PFM - Manager. This port is set up on every Performance Management host.

Service status management facility

Status Server



The port number used by the Status Server service of PFM - Manager and PFM - Base. This port is set up on the hosts on which PFM - Manager and PFM - Base are installed.

Monitoring console communication facility

View Server



The port number used by the View Server service of PFM - Manager.

This port is set up on the hosts on which PFM - Manager is installed.

Web service facility

Web Service



The port number used by the Web Service service of PFM - Web Console.

Web container facility

Web Console




The port number used by the Web Console service of PFM - Web Console.

JP1/SLM linkage facility




The port number set by JP1/SLM.


--: None

Ensure that the network is set up to allow communication using these port numbers, which are used by PFM - Agent for Oracle.

(3) OS user permission required to install PFM - Agent

To install PFM - Agent for Oracle, use an account that belongs to the Administrators group.

(4) Prerequisite programs

This subsection describes the prerequisite programs required to install PFM - Agent for Oracle. The following figure 2-2 shows the program configuration:

Figure 2‒2: Program configuration


(a) Monitoring target programs

The monitoring target programs of PFM - Agent for Oracle are as follows:

  • Oracle Database Standard Edition

  • Oracle Database Standard Edition One

  • Oracle Database Standard Edition 2

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

To monitor this program, it must be installed on the same host as PFM - Agent for Oracle.

Note that when a monitoring target program running on a virtualized OS is being monitored, PFM - Agent for Oracle monitors what the monitoring target program can perform on the virtualized OS.

(b) Performance Management programs

Install PFM - Agent for Oracle and PFM - Base on the PFM - Agent host.

PFM - Base is a prerequisite program for PFM - Agent for Oracle. Only one instance of PFM - Base is required, even when multiple instances of PFM - Agent are installed on one host.

Note that you do not need to install PFM - Base if PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent for Oracle are installed on the same host.

To monitor Oracle operation using PFM - Agent for Oracle, PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console are required.

(5) Installation and setup in a cluster system

When you install and set up PFM - Agent in a cluster system, the prerequisite network environment and program configuration is different from those for a normal system. There are also additional tasks that must be performed on the executing nodes and standby nodes. For details, see 4. Operating PFM - Agent for Oracle in a Cluster System.

(6) Preparations for collecting data in the event of a failure

If a problem occurs, user mode process dumps, and other data might be required. To obtain these dumps when a problem has occurred, use one of the following methods to set up output of these dumps in advance.

You can use the following registry setting to obtain user mode process dumps of data that you can investigate for troubleshooting when an application program terminates:

\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps

Specify the following registry key values:

(7) Cautionary notes

Note the following when installing and setting up Performance Management.

(a) Precautions regarding environment variables

Because Performance Management uses JPC_HOSTNAME as an environment variable, do not set it as a user-specific environment variable, as this will prevent Performance Management from operating properly.

(b) Notes on installing and setting up multiple Performance Management programs on same host

With Performance Management, you can install PFM - Manager, PFM - Web Console, and PFM - Agent on the same host. When doing so, note the following:

  • When PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent are installed on the same host, PFM - Base is not required. In this case, PFM - Manager is a prerequisite program for PFM - Agent and must be installed before PFM - Agent is installed.

  • You cannot install PFM - Base and PFM - Manager on the same host. If you want to install PFM - Manager on a host on which PFM - Base and PFM - Agent are already installed, uninstall all Performance Management programs, and then install PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent in that order. The same applies when you install PFM - Base on a host on which PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent are already installed: you must uninstall all Performance Management programs, and then install PFM - Base and PFM - Agent in that order.

  • If you install PFM - Agent on a host on which PFM - Manager is already installed, the connection-target PFM - Manager will be the instance of PFM - Manager on the local host, and cannot change it to that on the remote host. If you want PFM - Agent to connect to PFM - Manager on a remote host, ensure that PFM - Manager is not installed on the host on which you install PFM - Agent.

  • If you install PFM - Manager on a host on which PFM - Agent is already installed, the connection-target PFM - Manager is reset to the local host. See the setting results that are output to the common message log.

  • If you install PFM - Agent on a host on which PFM - Web Console in already installed, close all the browser windows before you install the program.

  • When you perform a new installation of a Performance Management program, the status management facility will be enabled by default. However, if you upgrade from version 07-50 to 08-00 or newer, the settings for the status management function remain the same as they were in the older version. To change the setting of the status management facility, see the chapter on error detection for Performance Management in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.


    To improve system performance and reliability, we recommend running PFM - Manager, PFM - Web Console, and PFM - Agent on separate hosts.

(c) Notes on upgrading PFM - Agent for Oracle

For details about notes on upgrading the versions of Performance Management programs, see the section describing the notes on version upgrading in the chapter that explains installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

For details about notes on upgrading the version of PFM - Agent for Oracle, see H. Migration Procedure and Notes on Migration.

For details about upgrading, see the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

(d) Other cautionary notes

  • When the monitoring-target program is Oracle Database 12c Release 1, you cannot monitor a multitenant container database (CDB) and can monitor a non-CDB.

  • When the monitoring target program is Oracle Database 12c Release 2 or later, you can monitor a multitenant container database (CDB) and a non-CDB.

  • Do not specify a path containing the following characters as a directory name of a shared disk.

    ( )

    If a left parenthesis (() or a right parenthesis ()) is contained in a directory name of a shared disk, you can set up a logical host environment, but any attempt to start up PFM - Agent for Oracle might fail.

  • When you perform a new installation of PFM - Agent for Oracle in an environment where no other Performance Management program has been installed, make sure that there are no files or folders in the installation folder.

  • You may be prompted to restart the system if you attempt to install PFM - Agent for Oracle while another Performance Management program or service is running. Alternatively, you may be prompted to restart the system while Windows Event Viewer or another program that references Performance Management files is running. If this occurs, restart the system as indicated in the message, and complete the installation.

  • The installer may be unable to expand the files required for installation if you attempt to install PFM - Agent for Oracle in the following cases:

    • While a Performance Management program or service is running or while another program that references Performance Management files (for example, Windows Event Viewer) is running

    • When there is insufficient disk space

    • When you do not have the required folder permission

    Stop any active Performance Management programs or services or other programs that reference Performance Management files, and then perform the installation again. If the problem is caused by insufficient disk space or a lack of the appropriate folder permissions, fix the problem and then perform the installation again.

  • When you install Performance Management programs, check whether the following security-related programs are installed. If they have been installed, take appropriate action according to the explanations below.

    • Security monitoring program

      Stop the security monitoring program or change the settings so that the installation of Performance Management programs will not be interrupted.

    • Virus detection program

      Stop the virus detection program before you install Performance Management programs.

      If a virus detection program is running during the installation of Performance Management programs, the installation processing might slow down, installation might not be executable, or the programs might not be able to be installed correctly.

    • Process monitoring program

      Stop the process monitoring program or change the settings. Also, specify settings that prevent the services or processes of Performance Management and common components from being monitored.

      If the process monitoring program starts or stops these services or processes during the installation of Performance Management programs, installation might fail.