
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Oracle Description, User's Guide and Reference

1.3.7 Monitoring wait events concerning REDO log file

When the size of REDO log file is small on an Oracle server, wait events may occur. Thus, it is crucial to monitor the frequency of wait events concerning REDO log file:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Records and fields related to the frequency of wait events concerning REDO log file

The following table lists the records and fields related to the frequency of wait events concerning REDO log file.

Table 1‒5: Records and fields related to wait events concerning REDO log file

Record used

Field used

Value measured (example)


Redo Log Space Requests

Number of times that waiting is required until the disk space is allocated to a REDO log entry because the active redo log file is full.

(2) Monitoring methods

Monitoring wait events concerning REDO log file

Wait events concerning REDO log file can be monitored by using the Redo Log Contention alarm provided with the monitoring template.

When Redo Log Contention is at or above its threshold, wait events concerning REDO log file occurs, often because the REDO log file is too small.

This problem can be handled by increasing the size of the REDO log file.