
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Service Response Description, User's Guide and Reference

8.1.2 Editing the definition files after an upgrade installation to the multi-language edition

When performing an upgrade installation of Performance Management from the overseas edition of version 9 or earlier to the multi-language edition of version 10, note that the contents of the definition files below are not changed.

If you do not need to add or change any information in the definition files, there is no need to edit them.

However, if you add or change any information in the definition file by using a character encoding other than that declared on the first line of the file, you must change the character encoding in that file.

The following definition files need to have the character encoding changed before editing:

For example, assume that the character encoding specified in the measurement condition registration file (esptask.xml) is Shift JIS. If you attempt to update the contents of the file by entering characters not supported by Shift JIS from PFM - Web Console, you might get the following message, and the attempt to update the contents of the file might fail.

KAVJS2604-E (PFM0446)

The service properties could not be updated.

An error occurred while updating service properties.

Use the jpcctrl list command to confirm that the service has started. If the service has stopped, execute the jpcstart command.

In such a case, change the character encoding specified in the measurement condition registration file (esptask.xml) before updating the contents of the file. You can use any editor to change the character encoding. Note that the character encoding in the definition file cannot be changed from PFM - Web Console.