
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Service Response Description, User's Guide and Reference

4.6.1 Defining a user-defined service

You must create a program for measuring the target service's performance, such as its response times, and then register the program as a user-defined command.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Creating a user-defined command

A user-defined command is created as a program that executes from the command line. Each user-defined command measures only one item. To measure multiple items, you must create a user-defined command for each item. Note that you must execute the user-defined commands with Administrator permissions because they are called from PFM - Agent for Service Response.

(a) Input

PFM - Agent for Service Response does not provide an interface for passing input values. For a service-specific measurement condition, you must provide the information that is necessary for measurement by an appropriate method, such as by specifying arguments in the user-defined command or reading files.

(b) Output

If a measurement result is to be the standard output of a user-defined command, the user-defined command must output the value shown below to the standard output. PFM - Agent for Service Response treats a value in the standard output as the response performance information. If the measurement result is to be the time required for the execution of the user-defined command (from start to termination), do not output anything to the user-defined command's standard output.

Table 4‒9: Output of a user-defined command



Response performance information

Outputs the value of a given measurement item (double-precision real number), such as total response time or throughput, expressed as a character string.


The measurement information obtained by a user-defined command is output to a report file. When a user-defined command's execution time is output, the value is in seconds with a precision of up to milliseconds. If the value output by a user-defined command is outside the permitted range or is in an invalid format, the system treats it as an error and stops the measurement.

(c) Return value

A user-defined command's return value indicates the measurement result. You must create your user-defined commands in such a manner that they return one of the values listed in the table below.

Table 4‒10: Return values of user-defined commands

Return value



Normal termination

The measurement terminated normally and the response performance information was acquired.

Other than 0

Abnormal termination

The measurement failed and any value obtained as the response performance information is invalid.

You should store your created user-defined commands in the following user-defined command storage folder provided by PFM - Agent for Service Response:


To call a command that has been stored in a folder other than the user-defined command storage folder, you must create a batch file for calling the command, and then store the batch file in the user-defined command storage folder.


A user-defined command is executed after the timeout value specified in the measurement condition is reached. This prevents startup of measurement (issuance of a measurement request) for other Internet services from being delayed if the current user-defined command's internal processing takes a long time. Therefore, create your user-defined command in such a way that its processing will be completed within the timeout value specified as a measurement condition.

(2) Registering user-defined commands

Register your created user-defined commands in the command registration file (espcommand.xml). In the command registration file, you can define a user-selected service ID which will be used to identify the target service and service-specific measurement conditions. For details about the command registration file, see 8.6 Command registration file (espcommand.xml).