
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


The logical host environment of Agent for Platform is not set up correctly, or the logical host environment is invalid. (lhost=logical-host-name)

The logical host environment of Agent for Platform has not been set up correctly, or the logical host environment is invalid.


Terminates processing of Agent Collector.


Check whether the version of PFM - Manager or PFM - Base on the same machine is earlier than 11-01. If the version is earlier than 11-01, set up the logical host environment according to the following procedure:

  1. Unset up the logical host environment of PFM - Agent for Platform.

  2. Update PFM - Manager or PFM - Base to version 11-01 or later.

  3. Set up the logical host environment of PFM - Agent for Platform.

If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator.