
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


An error occurred in an OS API (API-name). (en=OS-detail-code, arg1=argument-1, arg2=argument-2, arg3=argument-3)

An error occurred in the OS API. The code indicated by en is the error number (errno) of the system call.


If processing cannot continue because of an error during startup, the system terminates the processing of the Agent Collector service.


If this message is output during the start of the Agent Collector service, check whether the log file specified in the Messages File property exists. If not, change the log file name and then restart PFM - Agent for Platform. If the log file does exist, or for all other cases, check the OS detail code. If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator. For details about how to collect maintenance information, see the chapter explaining troubleshooting in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.