
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


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jpcappcvt      [-n]


The jpcappcvt command converts application definitions that were set in version 09-00 or earlier (settings for collecting information about application operating status) to application definitions that will work in 10-00 and later versions (settings for collecting information about the operating status of processes).

Execution permission

Users with root user permissions.

Storage directory




Specification of this option suppresses output of query messages that interrupt program execution, thereby eliminating the need for user response. Specify this option to execute the command non-interactively.


Return values


Normal termination

Other than 0

Abnormal termination

Usage example

The following is an example of executing the command interactively:

# /opt/jp1pc/agtu/agent/jpcappcvt
KAVF10800-Q Do you want to convert? (Y/N)
KAVF10806-Q A settings for collecting process operation and non-operation information already exists. Would you like to overwrite it? (Y/N)
KAVF10801-I Conversion of a setting was successful.