
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

Notes on records

Note the following points when collecting records.

Organization of this page

Notes on performance information when modifying system resources

Notes are provided below for modifying system resources using the DLPAR functionality of AIX V6.1 or later, the vPars functionality of HP-UX 11i, and the DR functionality of Solaris 10 or later.

Performance information about resources that are logically partitioned

When the Micro-Partitioning function is used in AIX V6.1 or later, a record is created for each logically partitioned processor. Therefore, even when resources are part of the same physical resource, their performance is not affected by other logical resources. Note that for a single-instance record of the PI record type, the combined total value of all resources including logical resources is displayed.

The table below shows the records and fields that are affected by the Micro-Partitioning function.

Table 9‒11: Records and fields that are affected by the Micro-Partitioning function

Record name

Field name

CPU - Per Processor Detail (PI_CPUP)


Application Process Interval (PD_APSI)


Application Process Overview (PD_APS)

Process Detail (PD)

Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI)

Program Summary (PD_PGM)

System Summary Overview (PI)





Total Idle Time (TOTAL_IDLE_TIME)

Total Kernel-Mode Time (TOTAL_KERNELMODE_TIME)

Total User-Mode Time (TOTAL_USERMODE_TIME)



Terminal Summary (PD_TERM)


User Summary (PD_USER)

Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP)

Record generation results when data cannot be collected

The following explains the record generation results when data to be stored in fields cannot be collected:

Records cannot be generated

When PFM - Agent for Platform cannot collect performance data to be stored in the fields defined as ODBC key fields, no records are generated.

Information on terminated processes

Functions for collecting information on terminated processes cannot be used. Therefore, the performance data for the fields shown below cannot be collected.

Table 9‒12: Fields for which performance data cannot be collected

Record name

Field name

Process Detail (PD)

Accounting Flags (ACCOUNTING_FLAGS)

End Time (END_TIME)

Exit Status (EXIT_STATUS)


Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI)

Accounting Flags (ACCOUNTING_FLAGS)

End Time (END_TIME)

Exit Status (EXIT_STATUS)

Notes on reserved records

Under Record in the New Report > Field window of the PFM - Web Console report wizard, reserved records are displayed, and you can create a report of these records. You cannot, however, display a report of reserved records.

In addition, if PFM - Agent for Platform 07-00 or earlier is upgraded to 08-00 or later, records reserved in 08-00 or later appear during history collection setup. These records can be modified. However, if they are modified and then specified for data collection, no records will be collected. The following message is issued to the common message log during the first collection attempt only:

KAVF10600-W An invalid collection event occurred. (record=record-id, rc=maintenance-code)


When you perform a new installation of PFM - Agent for Platform 08-00 or later, the properties of the reserved records are not displayed.

Note on specifying a process name in an alarm condition

When you specify a process name in an alarm condition for the PD_APP or PI_WGRP record, only the string length that is within the range of data that can be collected for the PD record is used to determine the alarm condition. Accordingly, when the process name exceeds the data range as shown in the example below, and you specify *xyz in the alarm condition, the expected condition judgment cannot be performed, since PFM - Agent for Platform does not hold the xyz part. In this case, specify an alarm condition within the range of data that can be collected for the PD record by, for example, specifying abc*.

abc... xyz (the xyz part is outside the range that can be collected for the PD record)

Notes on cases in which record instances cannot be uniquely identified

For the PD_UPD, PD_UPDB, PI_UPI, PI_UPIB, and PI_XUI1 to PI_XUI5 records, the first instance of each record is used.