
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

Process Detail

Organization of this page


The Process Detail report displays real-time information about processes for the selected host. The information is displayed as a list. This report is a drilldown report.

Storage destination

Reports/UNIX/Troubleshooting/Real-Time/Drilldown Only/


Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI)


Field name



Average value (%) obtained by dividing the CPU usage of processes by the number of processors (on AIX V6.1 or later, the number of processors logically partitioned by the Micro-Partitioning function).

Executable Text Kbytes

Text size in use (kilobytes).

You need to set the SAUNIXPMAP environment variable beforehand to collect this field on Solaris systems. Execute the following command from the command-line interface:



Major Faults

Number of page faults that invoked physical I/O.

Minor Faults

Number of page faults that did not invoke physical I/O.

Parent PID

Process ID of the parent process.


Process ID.


Name of running program.


AIX: Number of times RAW read processing occurred.

Solaris: Number of times Block read processing occurred.

Real Mem Kbytes

Physical memory size in use (kilobytes).

Record Time

Time when the record was created (Greenwich Mean Time).

Shared Mem Kbytes

Shared memory size in use (kilobytes).

Stack Kbytes

Stack size in use (kilobytes).

Start Time

Process start time.


Number of times swap occurred.

System CPU

Period of time that the system was operating in kernel mode (seconds).

Total I/O Kbytes

Total transfer size of I/O processing (kilobytes).

Total I/O Ops

Number of I/O processing operations.

Total Process Kbytes

Process size (kilobytes).

AIX: The value of this field is the same as the value that is displayed in the SZ row obtained using the ps -l command.

HP-UX and Solaris: This value is the same as the value obtained by multiplying the page size by the value displayed in the SZ row obtained using the ps -l command.

Linux: This value is the same as the value displayed in the SIZE row obtained by using the top command.


Process effective user name.

User CPU

Period of time that the system was operating in user mode (seconds).


AIX: The number of times RAW write processing occurred.

Solaris: The number of times Block write processing occurred.