
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

I/O Overview

Organization of this page


The I/O Overview report displays minute-by-minute historical information about the number of I/O operations performed over the last hour. The information is displayed as a table and a line graph.


This report cannot be used on Linux.

Storage destination

Reports/UNIX/Troubleshooting/Recent Past/


System Summary Overview (PI)


Field name


Block Ops

Number of times block I/O processing occurred.

Block Reads

Number of times block read processing occurred.

Block Writes

Number of times block write processing occurred.

Logical I/O Ops

Number of times logical I/O processing occurred.

Logical Reads

Number of times logical read processing occurred.

Logical Writes

Number of times logical write processing occurred.

Physical I/O Ops

Number of times physical I/O processing occurred.

Physical Reads

Number of times physical read processing occurred.

Physical Writes

Number of times physical write processing occurred.