
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

CPU Status (Multi-Agent)

Organization of this page


The CPU Status (Multi-Agent) report displays hourly historical information about CPU usage for multiple hosts over the last 24 hours. The information is displayed as a table and a line graph.

Storage destination

Reports/UNIX/Status Reporting/Daily Trend/


System Summary Overview (PI)


Field name


1-Minute Run Queue Avg

The average number of threads over the last one minute, other than threads waiting in the execution queue for the kernel. On HP-UX, Solaris, and AIX, this value does not include the number of threads waiting for I/O. On Linux, this value includes the number of threads waiting for I/O.

Agent Instance#

Name of host on which PFM - Agent for Platform is operating.


CPU usage (%).

This is also the average value of the percentage for each processor (for AIX V6.1 or later, it includes processors after logical partitioning by the Micro-Partitioning function).

Context Switches

Number of times the context switch was executed.

Kernel CPU %

Percentage of operation time in kernel mode (%).

This is also the average value of the percentage for each processor (for AIX V6.1 or later, it includes processors after logical partitioning by the Micro-Partitioning function).

System Calls

Number of times a system call was issued.

User CPU %

Percentage of operation time in user mode (%).

This is also the average value of the percentage for each processor (for AIX V6.1 or later, it includes processors after logical partitioning by the Micro-Partitioning function).

Wait %

Percentage of time in I/O waiting status (%).

This is also the average value of the percentage for each processor (for AIX V6.1 or later, it includes processors after logical partitioning by the Micro-Partitioning function).


This field is added only when data is recorded in the Store database. For details about adding fields only when data is recorded in the Store database, see 9. Records.