
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

Application Process Count

Organization of this page


The Application Process Count report displays the operating status of each process of an application over the last hour (on a minute-by-minute basis). It is displayed as a table and a line graph. This is a drilldown report.

Storage destination

Reports/UNIX/Troubleshooting/Recent Past/Drilldown Only/


Application Process Detail (PD_APPD)


Field name


Application Name

The name specified in the process monitoring settings

Monitoring Condition

Condition expression for identifying the processes or services being monitored

Monitoring Count

Number of running processes or services that match the monitoring condition

Monitoring Field

The field being monitored

Monitoring Label

The name used to identify the monitoring condition

Monitoring Max

Upper limit on the monitoring count

Monitoring Min

Lower limit on the monitoring count

Monitoring Number

Monitoring condition number

Monitoring Status

Result of the monitoring count condition

Drilldown report (field level)

Report name


Monitoring Process Detail

Displays performance information about a specific process. To display this report, click the Monitoring Label field.