
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

7.4.3 Example of collecting user-specific performance data (for a physical host environment)

This subsection provides an example of collecting process information under the conditions shown in the following table.

Table 7‒24: Conditions for collecting performance data in the example



Corresponding field



Transaction type

Trans Type



Transaction key (numeric type)

Trans Data Key

Process ID


16-byte character string

User String 1

Process name


Unsigned long type

User Unsigned Long 1

Amount of memory in use

Organization of this subsection

(1) Examples of user commands (for a physical host environment)

The following are examples of user commands (userapplication_script and userdata_script) that acquire process information from UNIX and output user-created data.


echo "Product Name=PFM-Agent for Platform (UNIX)"
echo "FormVer=0001"
echo "tt ki ss u"
ps -eo pid,comm,vsz,rss | grep jpcagtu | awk '{ printf("TotalMemory %d %s %d\n",$1,$2,$3+$4);}'


echo "Product Name=PFM-Agent for Platform (UNIX)"
echo "FormVer=0001
"echo "tt ks u u"
df -k |grep pshp02 |awk '{ printf("RemoteDisk %s %d %d\n",$6,$3,$4);}'

The following are examples of user-created data output by the user commands above.

Example of user-created data output by userapplication_script:

Product Name=PFM-Agent for Platform (UNIX)
tt ki ss u
TotalMemory 0 COMMAND 0
TotalMemory 0 sched 0
TotalMemory 1 /etc/init 1584
TotalMemory 2 pageout 0
TotalMemory 3 fsflush 0
TotalMemory 442 /usr/lib/saf/sac 2808

Example of user-created data output by userdata_script:

Product Name=PFM-Agent for Platform (UNIX)
tt ks u u
RemoteDisk /home1/jp1ps 67318256 4473056
RemoteDisk /home2/jp1ps 43867064 27738672

(2) Example of a shell script used to perform periodic collection (for a physical host environment)

The following gives an example of a shell script ( for using functionality for periodically executing user commands.

# Delete old user-created data.
rm -Rf  /opt/perfdata.txt /opt/userdata.txt
# Generate user-created data.
/opt/userapplication_script >> /opt/perfdata.txt
/opt/userdata_script >> /opt/userdata.txt
# Use the jpcuser command to convert the data.
/opt/jp1pc/agtu/agent/jpcuser/jpcuser PD_UPD -file /opt/perfdata.txt -file /opt/userdata.txt#

#: If -debug 2 is specified, debug log information is output to the following directory:


The following example sets the shell script to be executed at every one minute using the UNIX cron command.

* * * * * /opt/