
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

5.2.1 Setting up the event file

To collect log information, you need to set up the event file. The event file is used to specify information such as the name of log files, where collected log information is stored, and filter conditions.

You can use only one event file.

The event file name is:


This event file includes only a comment line (a hash mark (#) is placed at the beginning of the line). To specify information, directly edit this event file or copy an event file to the directory and then edit it.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting up the event file

To specify the event file:

  1. Use a text editor to open the event file.

  2. Add the following parameters to the event file:


    The following explains each parameter.


    Specify the name of the log file in which the collected log information will be stored as an absolute path. You can use alphanumeric characters to specify the log file name. For the number of bytes that can be specified, see the manual of each OS.


    Specify text displayed as the identifier for log information. Identifiers can contain a maximum of 1,023 bytes of alphanumeric characters and symbols, except asterisks (*). The value specified by this parameter is the character string after the character string jpcagtu in the Message Text (MESSAGE_TEXT) field of the Logged Messages (PL_MESS) record. If you omit this parameter, the log file name without the directory name is displayed.


    Specify the filter condition for log information collected in the Logged Messages (PL_MESS) record. Filter conditions can contain a maximum of 2,040 bytes of alphanumeric characters and symbols, including the linefeed character. To define condition expressions, use extended normal expressions. For details of extended normal expressions, see the manual of each OS. If you specify multiple expressions, it is assumed to be an OR statement (logical sum).

    You can use Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX (POSIX) to specify the filter conditions. Using suffix /i stores log information in the Logged Messages (PL_MESS) record without differentiating between upper and lowercase characters.


    • The system does not differentiate between upper and lowercase characters for each parameter.

    • When you add parameters, do not insert a blank character or tab character before or after the equal sign (=).

    • To insert a comment line, place a hash mark (#) at the beginning of the line.

  3. To collect information from multiple log files, specify the parameter for each log file.

  4. Save the event file.

    Always save the event file under the default event file name evfile.

To return the setting content of the evfile file to the status that was effective at the time of installation, copy evfile.model, which is the model file of the evfile file, to evfile.

(2) Example of event file specification

When you collect the log information for Sample Application stored in /opt/sampleapp/log, to store only the warning, error, and fatal status log information in the Logged Messages (PL_MESS) record without differentiating between upper and lowercase characters, specify as follows:
