
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

5.1 Overview of collecting log information

PFM - Agent for Platform can collect the following log information#:


PFM - Agent for Platform can collect log information from a monotone increasing log file in text format. However, it can only collect single-byte characters.


In Linux, log information cannot be collected because the Logged Messages (PL_MESS) record is unavailable.

In PFM - Web Console, if you set specific log information such as an error message as a threshold value in an alarm, the user can be notified when the set message is output.

The PFM - Agent for Platform log information collection program collects log information from log files based on log file names or filter conditions set in the event file. The Agent Collector service collects the log information and manages it using the Logged Messages (PL_MESS) record, which is a PL record. Like other records, the Logged Messages (PL_MESS) record can be used for report display and alarm monitoring.

The figure below shows the flow of log information monitoring.

Figure 5‒1: Log information monitoring flow
