
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

4.4.2 Registering PFM - Agent for Platform in PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console[Figure]

To use PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console to centrally manage PFM - Agent, you need to register PFM - Agent for Platform in PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console.

When the version of PFM - Manager is 09-00 or later, you do not need to perform the procedure explained here, because PFM - Agent is automatically registered.

However, you might have to manually register a version of PFM - Agent or PFM - RM that was released after the version of PFM - Manager you are using. For details on whether manual registration is required, see the Release Notes for PFM - Manager.

The following figure shows the flow for registering PFM - Agent.

Figure 4‒4: PFM - Agent registration flow


  • If you add the same version of PFM - Agent for Platform to a Performance Management system on which PFM - Agent for Platform information is already registered, you need not register PFM - Agent.

  • If the data model version of PFM - Agent for Platform is 3.0 or 4.0, setup for updating the data model version is not necessary.

  • When installing PFM - Agent for Platform of differing versions on different hosts, set up the older version first and then the new version.

  • When you install PFM - Agent on the same host as PFM - Manager, the jpcconf agent setup command is automatically executed. When the message KAVE05908-I New agent setup ended successfully. is output to the common message log, check the result. If the command was not executed correctly, re-execute it. For details about command execution, see the chapter on commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Copying the PFM - Agent for Platform setup files

Copy the setup files located at the host on which PFM - Agent for Platform was installed to the host on which PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console are installed. To copy the setup files:

  1. If PFM - Web Console is active, stop it.

  2. Copy the PFM - Agent setup files in the binary mode.

    The table below shows the file storage locations and copying destinations.

    Table 4‒6: Setup files to be copied

    Copy destination

    PFM - Agent setup files

    PFM program name


    Copy destination directory

    PFM - Manager







    PFM - Web Console







(2) Executing the setup command on the PFM - Manager host

In PFM - Manager, execute the following command to set up PFM - Agent for Platform:

jpcconf agent setup -key UNIX

In this example, the jpcconf agent setup command is executed interactively, but it can also be run non-interactively. For details about the jpcconf agent setup command, see the chapter that describes commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.


If you execute the jpcconf agent setup command when the Performance Management programs and services of the local host on which the command is being executed have not completely stopped, an error may occur. In this case, make sure the Performance Management programs and services have stopped completely, and then re-execute the jpcconf agent setup command.

After this operation is finished, you may delete the PFM - Agent setup files located on the PFM - Manager host.

(3) Executing the setup command on the PFM - Web Console host

In PFM - Web Console, execute the following command to set up PFM - Agent for Platform:


After this operation is finished, you may delete the PFM - Agent for Platform setup files located on the PFM - Web Console host.