
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

4.2.2 Network environment setup

The following explains the network environment that is necessary for Performance Management to operate.

Organization of this subsection

(1) IP address setup

You must set up at the PFM - Agent host an environment in which IP address can be resolved from host names. PFM - Agent cannot start in an environment in which IP addresses cannot be resolved.

Actual host names or alias names can be used for a monitoring host name (the name used as the host name of a Performance Management system).

For details about monitoring host name settings, see the chapter explaining installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Use one of the following methods to set up the host name and IP address:

Performance Management supports IPv6 network configurations in addition to IPv4 environments. Performance Management also works in network configurations that are made up of a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 environments.

PFM - Agent for Platform can communicate with PFM - Manager over IPv6, but only if both are hosted on Windows or Linux.

For details about and limitations applicable to communication in the IPv4 and IPv6 environments, see L. Communication in IPv4 and IPv6 Environments.

To communicate over IPv6, you must enable IPv6 on the PFM - Manager host, as well as on each PFM - Agent host. Before installing PFM - Agent for Platform, you must also enable the use of IPv6 on the PFM - Agent host. To configure this setting, execute the jpcconf ipv6 enable command. If the use of IPv6 is already enabled, there is no need to configure this setting. To check whether the use of IPv6 is enabled, execute the jpcconf ipv6 display command.

For details about the jpcconf ipv6 enable and jpcconf ipv6 display commands, see the chapter that describes commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference. For details about the timing and conditions for executing the jpcconf ipv6 enable command, see the chapter that describes network configurations that include IPv6 environments in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Also note that if you want PFM - Agent for Platform to communicate with PFM - Manager over IPv6, you must specify host names that can be resolved.

Communication between PFM - Agent for Platform and PFM - Manager is established using resolvable IP addresses. When PFM - Agent for Platform and PFM - Manager communicate in an environment in which IPv4 and IPv6 coexist and an attempt to communicate with one resolvable IP address fails, no attempt will be made to communicate using the other IP address.

For example, when an IPv4 connection fails, a retry over IPv6 will not be attempted. Similarly, when an IPv6 connection fails, a retry over IPv4 will not be attempted. We recommend to confirm connections in advance, if possible.

(2) Port number setup

The default port numbers shown in the table below are assigned to Performance Management program services. For any other services or programs, port numbers currently not in use in the system are automatically assigned when the service or program is started. When you are using Performance Management in an environment with a firewall, assign fixed port numbers. For details about how to fix port numbers, see the chapter explaining installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Table 4‒1: Default port numbers and Performance Management program services (for UNIX)

Service explanation

Service name


Port number


Service configuration information management function

Name Server



Port number used by the Name Server service of PFM - Manager. This port number is set for all hosts in Performance Management.

Service status management function

Status Server



Port number used by the Status Server service of PFM - Manager and PFM - Base.

This port number is set for hosts in which PFM - Manager and PFM - Base are installed.

JP1/SLM linkage facility




Port number set in JP1/SLM.


--: None

Set up the network to enable these PFM - Agents to communicate using the assigned port numbers.