
JP1 Version 11 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.2.1 Workgroup information

When multiple users use UNIX system resources or operate a UNIX group, PFM - Agent for Platform allows you to set those multiple UNIX users or the UNIX group as a workgroup and collect process information related to the workgroup.

You can set a workgroup in the following units:

The PFM - Agent for Platform workgroup information collection program summarizes workgroup-related data of performance data of the Process Detail (PD) record based on the workgroup name set in the workgroup file. Summarized performance data is managed as the Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP) record. As with other records, you can use the Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP) record to display reports and monitor alarm usage.

The figure below shows the flow of workgroup information monitoring.

Figure 2‒1: Workgroup information monitoring flow
