
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management Reference


The port number is not registered correctly in the services file.

The port number has not been registered correctly in the services file.


Halts command execution.


Set the port number correctly with the following procedure:

  • When <error> is displayed for the Services item in the execution results of the jpcconf port list command

    Execute the jpcconf port define command to specify the port number

  • When <error> is displayed for the Port item in the execution results of the jpcconf port list command

    1. Check the services file to determine if the port number resulting in the error is duplicated. If it is, delete it.

    2. Execute the jpcconf port define command to specify the port number.

  • Other

    1. Check the services file to determine if the port number for the Name Server service has been registered correctly. If it has not been registered correctly, register the following port number in the services file:

    jp1pcnsvr 22285/tcp

    2. Execute the jpcconf port define command to specify the port number.