
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Service Level Management Description


A communication error occurred between SLM -Manager(Master) and SLM-Manager (Slave). (destination IP address = aa....aa, destination port number =

aa....aa: IP address of destination of connection Number of port at connection destination


Retried according to announceRetryCount definitions and announceRetryInterval definitions but failed.

Retried according to communicationRetryCount definitions and communicationRetryInterval definitions but failed.


Interrupts processing.


Check that the master instance of SLM - Manager or a slave instance of SLM - Manager has been started.

If started, review the specified values of the managerHost definition, rmiManagerPort definition, urHost definition, and rmiUrPort definition.

Specify the IP address of the destination of connection = aa....aa and the port number of the destination of connection = and execute the jslmmgrconnect command.