
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Service Level Management Description

10.3.5 Event and Performance chart tabs area (Event tab selected)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Window configuration


(2) Window description

This window displays a list of events. The events displayed depend on the selections in the Services and Service performance information areas, as described below:


Selection in the Services area

Selection in the Service performance information area

Events displayed on the Event tab (Event and Performance chart tabs area)




Displays events for the monitored targets within the monitored services of all service groups.


Service group


Displays events for the monitored targets in all the monitored services in the service group selected in the Services area.


Monitored service

Displays events for the monitored targets in the monitored service selected in the Service performance information area.


Monitored target

Displays events for the monitored target selected in the Service performance information area.


Monitored service


Displays events for all the monitored targets within the monitored service selected in the Services area.


Monitored service

Displays events for the monitored targets in the monitored service selected in the Service performance information area.


Monitored target

Displays events for the monitored target selected in the Service performance information area.


Monitored target


Displays events for the monitored target selected in the Services area.


Monitored service

Displays events for all the monitored targets in the monitored service selected in the Service performance information area.


Monitored target

Displays events for the monitored target selected in the Service performance information area.


--: No selection.

Note that system performance monitoring and availability monitoring events are also displayed in the list of events. When you select a monitored target in the Service performance information area in order to set system performance monitoring or availability monitoring for a monitored service, the event list will display events related to the system performance and availability monitoring that were set for the monitored service to which that monitored target belongs. The events displayed when you select a service group or monitored service are displayed in the same way as the service performance events.

Events are displayed with the most recent at the top. If you have narrowed down the displayed monitored targets by executing a search in the Services area, selecting a service group will display information for only the monitored targets that are shown in the search results.

Once it is displayed, an event continues to appear until it reaches its seven-day cutoff. The display is updated every three seconds.

The following table lists the items that are displayed:





X - Y - Z

This area displays the names of the service group, the monitored service, and the monitored target whose events you have selected to view.

X is the name of the service group, Y is the name of the monitored service, and Z is the name of the monitored target.

Not all three names are always displayed:

  • If a service group was selected in the Services area, only X is displayed.

  • If a monitored service was selected in the Services area or Service performance information area, only X - Y are displayed.

  • If a monitored target was selected in the Services area or Service performance information area, X - Y - Z are displayed.

  • If nothing was selected in the Services and Service performance information areas, nothing is displayed.


Cumulative totals

This area shows the cumulative total for each event type (error, warning, or normal) that occurred during the last seven days.


[Figure]Total: n1 Showing: n2-n3 [Figure]

When more than 20 events occurred in the last seven days, the additional events are displayed on subsequent pages. Click [Figure] or [Figure] to display the previous or next page, respectively. If there is no previous page or next page, you cannot click icon.

n2 and n3 indicate the range of event items displayed on the current page, and n1 is the total number of displayed events.

If there is more than one monitored service, the maximum number of events displayed per page can be changed by specifying the dashboardEventListRecentViewSize property. When you change the number of items to be displayed per page, n1 will reflect the changed value. For details about the dashboardEventListRecentViewSize property, see 5.6.2 Editable definitions.



This column indicates whether each event has been checked (read).


This is the default value, before the user has clicked the row's Status column. When Unread is displayed, the entire row is in displayed in boldface.


This setting indicates that the row's Status column has been clicked.

After you check an event by reviewing the contents of its row, click the row in this column to change Unread to Read. Once an event's Status column entry is changed to Read it cannot be changed back to Unread.



This column displays for each event one of the following icons indicating the status of the average response time, throughput, and error rate at the time the event occurred. The following icons are used:

[Figure] (error)

An error occurred in threshold monitoring or availability monitoring.

[Figure] (warning)

A warning occurred in trend monitoring or out-of-range value detection.

[Figure] (normal)

Errors that occurred in availability monitoring have been recovered.

When multiple service performance events are applicable simultaneously, the icon for the highest-priority event is displayed, according to the following priority order (highest to lowest): error > warning > normal.


When detected

This column displays the date and time that the event occurred, in the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss (year/month/date hour:minute:second).



This column displays one of the following character strings indicting the type of the error or warning:


Monitoring detected that the threshold was exceeded (error).


An out-of-range value that differs significantly from the norm for the monitored service was detected (warning).


A trend was detected indicating that the threshold seems likely to be exceeded (warning).


Monitoring detected that the monitored service has stopped or has recovered from having stopped (error or normal).



This column displays one of the following character strings providing more detail about the type of error or warning displayed in the Type column:


This is displayed when the Type column is THRESHOLD or OUTLIER.

When the Type column is THRESHOLD, UPPER LIMIT indicates that the monitoring item's service performance or system performance exceeded the threshold.

When the Type column is OUTLIER, UPPER LIMIT indicates that the monitoring item's service performance exceeded the upper limit value.


This is displayed when the Type column is THRESHOLD or OUTLIER.

When the Type column is THRESHOLD, LOWER LIMIT indicates that the monitoring item's system performance exceeded the threshold.

When the Type column is OUTLIER, LOWER LIMIT indicates that the monitoring item's service performance or system performance fell below the lower limit value.

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss

This is displayed when the Type column is TREND, and indicates the date and time when it is expected that service performance or system performance of the monitoring item will exceed the threshold (year/month/date hour:minute:second).


This is displayed when the Type column is AVAILABILITY, and indicates that the monitoring item (indicated under Monitor item) has stopped.


This is displayed when the Type column is AVAILABILITY, and indicates that the monitoring item (indicated under Monitor item) has recovered from a stop.

If you click this column on a row, you will see in the Troubleshoot window a graph of the monitoring item's service performance. For details about how to do this, see 4.4 Support methodology for root cause investigation when an error or warning is displayed for a monitored service.


Service group

This column displays the name of the service group in which the event occurred.



This column displays the name of the monitored service in which the event occurred.



An entry (other than a hyphen) is displayed in this column when system performance is monitored. The entry is the name of the host on which the event occurred. For an event associated with service performance monitoring, a hyphen (-) is displayed.


Monitored target

This column displays the name of the monitored target for which the event occurred.


Monitor item

This column displays the monitoring item for which the event occurred.

If you display the Troubleshoot window by clicking the Troubleshoot button on the Performance chart tab or by clicking the Details column on the Event tab in the Event and Performance chart tab area of the Real-time Monitor window, the Troubleshoot window will be displayed with the monitored service already selected.

(3) Supplemental notes