
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Service Level Management Description

9.11 jslmmgrls (confirming the system management status of SLM - Manager)


The system management status of SLM - Manager is displayed in the window of the command prompt.

This command is to be executed upon satisfying the following conditions:

Execute the command with the active server in the case of a cluster system. If the command is executed on the standby server, an error will result.

When using the master/slave configuration of SLM – Manager, execute this command in relation to the master instance of SLM - Manager. If the command is executed with a slave instance of SLM - Manager, an error will result.

The indicator "jslmmgrls" is configured to messages output to the message log by this command.

For details about the message log, see 7.2.4 Message logs.

For details about the messages that are output when commands are executed, see 11.3 Messages.



Execution permission

User account that belongs to the OS's Administrators group

Storage folder



Return values

Return values



Confirmation of the system management status of SLM - Manager has been normally terminated.


Confirmation of the system management status of SLM - Manager has failed.


The process has been interrupted with Ctrl+C on the keyboard.


C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1ITSLM\mgr\bin\jslmmgrls

Output example

The output format of the system management status of SLM - Manager output on the window of the command prompt by this command is as follows:

***** SLM - Manager information ***************
Type        : { Single | Master | Slave }
IP address  : IP address of SLM - Manager
Port number : Port number of SLM - Manager
Cooperation SLM - UR#1
    IP address  : IP address of SLM - UR
    Port number : Port number of SLM - UR
Cooperation PFM - Manager#2
    IP address  : IP address of PFM - Manager
    Port number : Port number of PFM - Manager
Registered services information
        Number of services          : Number of monitored services
        Number of monitored targets : Number of monitored targets
        Number of monitor items     : Number of monitoring items
    Service unit
        Service group name#1
            Service name#1
                Number of Monitored targets : Number of monitored targets
                Number of Monitor items     : Number of monitoring items

When there are multiple subjects, the display will be repeated for as many subjects that exist.


This is displayed when an item exists but will not be displayed when items do not exist.

Output information of the output format is as follows:

Table 9‒18: Output information of the output format




The type of SLM - Manager. The meanings of the values output for this item are as follows:

  • Single

    SLM - Manager of the single-manager configuration

  • Master

    SLM - Manager (master) in the master/slave configuration

  • Slave

    SLM - Manager (slave) in the master/slave configuration

IP address

The IP address of SLM - Manager.

Port number

The port number of SLM - Manager.

Cooperation SLM – UR

Information about SLM - UR linked with SLM - Manager. The meanings of the values output for this item are as follows:

  • IP address

    IP address of SLM - UR linked with SLM - Manager

  • Port number

    Port number of SLM - UR linked with SLM - Manager

Cooperation PFM - Manager

Information about PFM - Manager linked with SLM - Manager. The meanings of the values output for this item are as follows:

  • IP address

    IP address of PFM - Manager linked with SLM - Manager

  • Port number

    Port number of PFM - Manager linked with SLM - Manager

Registered services information

Service information registered with SLM - Manager. The Total and Service unit are output for this item.


The total number of each item. The meanings of the values output for this item are as follows:

Number of services: Total number of services

Number of Monitored target: Total number of monitored targets

Number of monitor items: Total number of monitor items

Service unit

Information on the service units. The meanings of the values output for this item are as follows:

Service group name: Service group name

Service name: Service name

Number of Monitored target: Number of monitored targets registered with the service

Number of monitor items: Number of monitor items registered with the service