
JP1 Version 11 Performance Management: Getting Started (Service Level Management)

F. Glossary

All Web Access

A monitored target in SLM. All Web Access enables you to monitor average response time, throughput, and error rate for all requests and responses in the monitored service.

authentication server

A server that manages the access permissions of JP1 users.

One authentication server is required in each user authentication block. The administrator uses this server for centralized management of all JP1 users. When SLM is installed, the administrator must register JP1 user names on this server.

availability information

Data that is the result of monitoring whether a monitored service is running or has stopped.


The metric indicating normative service performance and which serves as the basis for out-of-range value detection. It is created by averaging the accumulated historical service performance. In out-of-range value detection, when service performance is detected that veers substantially from this baseline, it is detected as a departure from the usual service performance.

BNF notation

A character-based meta-language for defining the syntax of program source code, networks, protocols, and other languages intended for computers.


A method of data analysis that proceeds from summary data into the details by expanding lower levels of the data, one level at a time.


Information indicating the occurrence of circumstances constituting an error or warning.

SLM - Manager

A program that aggregates and analyzes HTTP packets collected by SLM - UR in order to monitor the status of services.

SLM - Manager is accessed in order to check the status of services being monitored.


A program that runs on each switch, collecting HTTP packets of the requests and responses exchanged through the switch between the users of a service and the server that provides the service.

The collected results are sent to SLM - Manager.


A program that is a prerequisite for SLM - Manager. JP1/Base provides event service functionality, and can manage the start order of services as well as send and receive JP1 events.

It is also used as an authentication server in SLM.

JP1 event

Information used in JP1 to manage events that occur in the system.

JP1 events use the following attributes to record events:

Basic attributes

All JP1 events have basic attributes.

For example, when attribute names are specified, B.ID (or just ID) is specified for the event ID.

Extended attributes

A program that issues JP1 events can specify any desired extended attributes. The extended attributes consist of the following common information and program-specific information:

[Figure] Common information (extended attribute information whose format is standardized according to the JP1 event)

[Figure] Program-specific information (information other than the common information whose format is specific to a program)

For example, when attribute names are specified, E.SEVERITY (or just SEVERITY) is specified for the severity.

The JP1 events are managed by the event service of JP1/Base. Events that occur in the system are recorded in the database as JP1 events.

JP1 permission level

The representation of the types of operations a JP1 user is permitted to perform on management objects (resources). Operations are set depending on the type of management object (resource), such as job, jobnet, or event. The access permissions of JP1 users are managed in a format that combines several types of management objects (resources) and their associated operations.

SLM applies two JP1 permission levels, JP1_ITSLM_Admin (service group administrator) and JP1_ITSLM_User (service user).

JP1 user

A designation for one who uses SLM. The JP1 user is registered on the authentication server, which manages the user's access permissions to a remote host. The JP1 user name might differ from the user account registered in the OS.

monitoring item

An item that is monitored in SLM for the purpose of maintaining service levels. In the case of service performance monitoring, the monitoring items are average response time, throughput, and error rate.

out-of-range value detection

A monitoring method that detects indications of problems when the performance of a monitored service differs substantially from the usual service performance.

performance data

The data that used in SLM monitoring, consisting of the following:

  • Service performance data collected by SLM - UR

RD area

A data storage area for a database. When the SLM setup process is run at the time of installation, RD areas are created in folders specified by an absolute path. In SLM, RD areas are used to provide data management while SLM is operating.


A setting that determines the ease of detection by out-of-range value detection. The higher the sensitivity, the more likely detection becomes. The sensitivity is set in the Settings window.


A part of a business system.

service group

A unit for managing monitored targets for customers (for example, companies) that have outsourced their business systems. A service group is equivalent to a JP1 resource group in JP1/Base.

service group administrator

A user whose JP1 permission level is set to JP1_ITSLM_Admin.

A service group administrator can view service group information and information on monitored services within the service group, and is also able to set information in a monitored service.

service performance

Service performance refers to data resulting from monitoring average response time, throughput, and error rate, which are monitoring items.

service performance monitoring

A monitoring method for determining whether the performance of a monitored service has exceeded the values set for out-of-range value detection and SLO monitoring.

service user

A user whose JP1 permission level is set to JP1_ITSLM_User.

A service user can view service group information as well as information about the monitored services within the service group.

SLA (Service Level Agreement)

A contractual arrangement between an outsourcing company and an outsourced contractor that guarantees the quality of the service to be provided.

SLO (Service Level Objective)

A specific evaluation metric that is set for a monitoring item in order to comply with an SLA.

system definition file

A definition file (properties file) that specifies the details of how SLM functions. Host names, port numbers, and similar information are specified in the system definition file.

threshold value monitoring

A monitoring method for detecting if the performance of a monitored service has exceeded a set threshold value.

trend monitoring

A monitoring method that calculates trends in the performance of monitored services in order to detect in advance that a service performance threshold value is likely to be exceeded if a detected trend continues.

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)

An identifier that points to an information resource on the Internet. The URI indicates the location and name of the information resource.

Web access

A monitored target in SLM that represents a combination of requests and responses.