
JP1 Version 11 Performance Management: Getting Started (Service Level Management)

6.4.1 Verifying the recovery of monitored services after taking corrective action

Use the Real-time Monitor window to verify whether monitored services have been recovered to the normal status. The monitoring staff performs this operation.
Organization of this subsection

(1) Before you start

(2) Procedure

The following shows the Real-time Monitor window that is used in this task:


To verify recovery of a monitored service after taking corrective action:

  1. Click the Real-time Monitor button.

    The Services and Service performance information areas and the Event and Performance chart tabs area are displayed. In the Event and Performance chart tabs area, the Event tab is selected.

  2. From the Services area, select a monitored target of a monitored service.

  3. In the Service performance information area, check the status of the monitored target of the monitored service.

    Verify that the icon displayed under Total in the Service performance information area has returned to normal. If the icon for normal status is not displayed, the monitored service might not have recovered correctly. Check the cause again, and then take an appropriate corrective action.

    If the monitored service has recovered from an error detected by out-of-range value detection, verification is complete. If it has recovered from an error detected by threshold value monitoring, go to step 4, if necessary.

  4. In the Event and Performance chart tabs area, click the Performance chart tab to verify that the monitored target of the monitored service has recovered and its status has returned to normal.

    The current status of the monitored target of the monitored service is displayed as a performance chart. Verify that the current status of the monitored target of the monitored service shown at the right end of performance chart is below the threshold.

If everything has returned to normal, verification of recovery is complete.