
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

Definition file for the Item search item form (Optional)

Organization of this page


This file defines the Item elements that are displayed in the Specify search conditions - Item-common element window when you select Process work board at the top or a system from the list of process work boards in the main window (Item list). In addition, this file is used to convert selection codes to display names when a CSV file is output from the List of Item search results window. After the definition is applied to JP1/Service Support, the Item elements that are displayed as search conditions when Process work board at the top or a system is selected are changed to the elements defined in this file.

Customize elements when you customize the Item form definition file for each process or when you want to decrease the number of Item elements that are used for a search. For details about the Item form definition file, see Item form definition file (Optional) in Chapter 13. Definition Files.

The table below lists the definition files for the Item search item form provided by default. Refer to these files to create and customize a definition file.

Table 13‒13: Definition file for the Item search item form provided by default

File name



Definition file for the Item search item form


Model definition file for the Item search item form


<!-- XML declaration -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Item form definition -->
<form-def xmlns="">
 <fname value="Item-form-name" />
<!-- Display elements -->
   <row><col fiid="element-ID" /></row>
   <row><col fiid="element-ID" /><col fiid="element-ID" /></row>
   <row><col fiid="element-ID" /></row>
<!-- Element information -->
  <item-text fiid="element-ID" search="true" >
   <label labelname="display-name" />
  <item-code fiid="element-ID" search="true" >
   <label labelname="display-name" />
    <option value="0"></option>
    <option value="1">selection-code-display-name</option>
    <option value="2">selection-code-display-name</option>
    <option value="3">selection-code-display-name</option>

Text enclosed by <!-- and -->is treated as a comment.

File name

Use any file name.

Storage folder

Any folder on the host where the jssformdef command is executed

When the definition is applied

The definition is applied after the contents of the Item form definition file are applied by using the jssformdef command.

What is described

Do not change parameters that are not described here.

XML declaration

Define the following declaration in the first line of the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Item form definition

Define the following four lines (only the <description> tag can be omitted), and then define the display elements, and element information respectively. In addition, define </form-def> in the last line of the file.

<form-def xmlns="">
  <fname value="Item-form-name" />

The following describe the values that are specified for each tag:


The Item form ID you can specify for the Item search item form is JIMSD_FORM_MASTER only. You cannot specify other IDs.


Specify the Item form name within 255 bytes. By default, Master display elements is set.


Specify comments for the Item form within 1,024 bytes. By default, Item search item form is set.

You can check the contents you specified for Item-form-ID, Item-form-name, and comment in the Item form management window and the Item form details window.

Display elements

Define the Item elements that are displayed in a window.

Define the elements between the <position> tag and the </position> tag as follows:

<row><col fiid="element-ID" /></row>
<row><col fiid="element-ID" /><col fiid="element-ID" /></row>
<row><col fiid="element-ID" /></row>

A line begins with the <row> tag and ends with the </row> tag. You can specify one or two <col> tags between them. Specify the element ID for the Item element to be displayed for the <col> tag. Define all elements you defined in the Item form for each process. Unlike Item forms for each process, the description order does not have any meaning.

For details about element IDs, see Item form definition file (Optional) in Chapter 13. Definition Files.

Element information

Defines the element attributes. Defines all elements defined in Item forms for each process. For details about element attributes, see Item form definition file (Optional) in Chapter 13. Definition Files. When defining element attributes, add search="true" or search="false" after fiid="element-ID". Elements to which you add search="true" are displayed in the window when you search items. Elements to which you add search="false" are not displayed in the window when you search items.

Specification example
<item-text fiid="JIMSD_FORM_SUMMARY" search="true" >
 <label labelname="Overview" />


Definition example

Definition example 1

The following is a definition example of the Item search item form when display order 4, and the Information selection code are added to the Item type Item element in the Item form definition file for each process. Note that this example shows only the part related to the Item type Item element.

<item-code fiid="JIMSD_FORM_ITEMCATEGORYCODE" search="true" >
 <label labelname="Item type" />
  <option value="0"></option>
  <option value="1">Inquiry</option>
  <option value="2">Failure</option>
  <option value="3">Customer request</option>
  <option value="4">Information</option>

Definition example 2

The following is a definition example of the Item search item form when the Memorandum Item element (text, 4,096 bytes) is added to the Item form definition file for the incident management process. Note that this example shows only the part related to the Memorandum Item element.

<!-- Display elements -->
 <row><col fiid="JIMSD_FORM_USERTEXT01" /></row>
<!-- Element information -->
<item-text fiid="JIMSD_FORM_USERTEXT01" search="true" type="textarea" >
 <label labelname="Memorandum" />