
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference


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This command releases free area (free page area) in the IM Configuration Management database.

If you delete a large number of hosts in the IM Configuration Management database, part of the area that was used to store that data might become used free area. This command changes used free area into unused free area so that it can be reused.

You can execute this command during operations without having to stop JP1/IM - Manager Service.


jimdbreclaim [-h logical-host-name]

Execution permission

In Windows: Administrator permissions (if the Windows UAC feature is enabled, the command is executed from the administrator console)

In UNIX: Superuser permissions

Storage directory

In Windows:





-h logical-host-name

When you are operating in a cluster system, this option specifies the logical host name of the host where the command is executed. The command releases free area in the IM Configuration Management database for the specified logical host. If this option is omitted, the logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is assumed. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the physical host name is assumed. If you are not using a cluster system, specification of this option is not needed. Note that JP1_DEFAULT cannot be specified for the logical host name. In addition, the logical host name is case sensitive.


Specifies that the command is to be executed without requesting confirmation from the user.

Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination
