
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference


Organization of this page


This command sets up a system environment for JP1/IM - Manager or references settings.

When this command is executed, the settings are output to standard output.

For details about the setting values that are enabled by setting the -i option, see the description for the -i option.


jcoimdef  [-r {EXE | OUTPUT | OFF}]
          [-b event-acquisition-location]
          [-s {ON | OFF}]
          [-egs {ON | OFF}]
          [-rulehost host-name]
          [-ruleuser user-name]
          [-rule {ON | OFF}]
          [-resevent {ON | OFF}]
          [-e retry-interval]
          [-t timeout-period]
          [-c retry-count:retry-interval]
          [-o retry-count:retry-interval]
          [-h logical-host-name]
          [-memo {ON | OFF}]
          [-chsev {ON | OFF}]
          [-db {ON | OFF}]
          [-dbntc {ON | OFF}]
          [-dbntcpos deletion-warning-notification-level]
          [-cf {ON | OFF}]
          [-cmdbtn {ON | OFF}]
          [-hostmap {ON | OFF}]
          [-bizmonmode {ON | OFF}]
          [-ignorecasehost {ON | OFF}]
          [-storm {ON | OFF}]

The -resevent option is used for linking with BJEX or JP1/AS. For details about the -resevent option, see 9.5.1 jcoimdef in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide.

Execution permission

In Windows: Administrator permissions (if the Windows UAC feature is enabled, the command is executed from the administrator console)

In UNIX: Superuser permissions

Storage directory

In Windows:





No arguments specified

Specifies that a list of current settings is to be displayed at standard output.

The display format is as follows:


The figure below shows the information that is output by this command when the default values are used. You can change the settings for the items by specifying arguments.

Figure 1‒1: jcoimdef command output format



This option is used for setting Automatic Action Service. For the option, specify the operation of an action whose status is any of the following when Automatic Action Service starts:

  • Wait

  • Wait (being canceled)

  • Wait (cancellation failed)

  • Sending

  • Sending (being canceled)

  • Sending (cancellation failed)

  • Queuing

  • Queuing (being canceled)

  • Queuing (cancellation failed)

  • Running

  • Running (being canceled)

  • Running (cancellation failed)

When EXE is specified, actions whose status is any of the above are re-executed. When the status of such an action is displayed in the Action Log window (or by executing the jcashowa command), the displayed status name contains -R.

OUTPUT: Outputs a list of actions whose status is any of the above to the action re-execution file (actreaction).

When the status of such an action is displayed (by a method such as executing the jcashowa command or in the Action Log window), Ended -R is displayed as the status.

As many sets of the following information items are output as there are actions in the action re-execution file:

### date#Δtime#Δevent-IDΔserial-number ###[linefeed]



#: Date and time the re-execution function was executed.

OFF: Performs no processing for actions whose status is any of the above and leaves the action as is.

-b event-acquisition-start-position

Specifies the position at which event acquisition is to start when JP1/IM - Manager starts. The permitted value is from -1 to 144.

If you specify -1, processing continues from the status existing the last time JP1/IM - Manager was terminated. The default is that -1 is set.

For example, if -1 is specified, JP1/IM - Manager has received events through serial number 12000, events with serial numbers from 10001 to 12000 (2,000 events) have been stored in the event buffer, and JP1/IM - Manager is restarted, the following takes place:

  • Event buffer of JP1/IM - Manager:

    The events that were in the event buffer the last time JP1/IM - Manager was terminated (events with serial numbers from 10001 to 12000) are stored in the event buffer again.

  • Automated action:

    Automated action is performed on the events starting with the event (serial number 12001) that immediately follows the event with serial number 12000. The automated action processing involves matching events with action definitions.

If you specify 0, acquisition processing starts from the first event that is registered after JP1/IM - Manager starts.

  • Event buffer of JP1/IM - Manager:

    The events that are registered in the event database after the start are stored in the event buffer.

  • Automated action:

    The events that are registered in the event database after the start are subject to automated action processing.

If you specify a value in the range from 1 to 144, the command acquires the events from the event database starting with the event that was registered at the specified number of hours before JP1/IM - Manager started.

This value is in units of hours. For example, to collect events starting from an event that was registered 1 hour before JP1/IM - Manager startup, specify 1.

  • Event buffer of JP1/IM - Manager:

    The events that have been registered in the event database at the manager since the specified number of hours before the startup are stored in the event buffer.

  • Automated action:

    The events that have been registered in the event database at the manager since the specified number of hours before the startup are subject to automated action processing.

    Note that an event that has already been processed by an automated action is no longer subject to automated action processing. In other words, action matching is performed only once per event.

In all cases, the events that are transmitted to Central Scope Service are the same as for the automated actions.

-s {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether Central Scope Service is to be started and whether events are to be transmitted to Central Scope Service.

If you specify ON, Central Scope Service starts when JP1/IM - Manager starts and events are transmitted to Central Scope Service. Also, in the Event Console window, the Central Scope button and menu are enabled.

If you specify OFF, events cannot be set to be transmitted to Central Scope Service because Central Scope Service is not started when JP1/IM - Manager starts. In this case, the Central Scope button and menu are disabled in the Event Console window. The default is OFF.

To enable the -s setting, you must also restart the connected JP1/IM - View.

-egs {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether the correlation event generation function is to be enabled.

If you specify ON, the following occurs when JP1/IM - Manager starts:

  • If the integrated monitoring database is not used, the Event Generation Service is started.

  • If the integrated monitoring database is used, the correlation event generation function of Event Base Service is enabled.

If you specify OFF, the following occurs when JP1/IM - Manager starts:

  • If the integrated monitoring database is not used, the Event Generation Service is not started.

  • If the integrated monitoring database is used, the correlation event generation function of Event Base Service is disabled.

The default is OFF.

-rulehost host-name

Specifies the host name of the linked JP1/IM - Rule Operation. This must be a host name that was set as a managed host in the system configuration definition. Express the host name using from 1 to 255 ASCII characters excluding the space, tab, and control characters. A host group cannot be specified. If you specify "" as the host name, the null character (none) is set, in which case the host executing the command is assumed.

-ruleuser user-name

Specifies the name of the JP1 user who is to execute the linked JP1/IM - Rule Operation. Express the user name using from 1 to 31 ASCII characters excluding the space, tab, and control characters and the following special characters: * " ' / \ [ ] { } ( ) : ; | = , + ? < >. If you specify "" as the user name, the null character (none) is set, in which case the user is assumed based on the following priority:

  • The JP1 user specified with ACTIONEXECUSER of the common definition information in the automated action environment definition file (action.conf.update)

  • jp1admin

-rule {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether the items for JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage are to be displayed in JP1/IM - View.

If you specify ON, the function for displaying the items for JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage in JP1/IM - View is enabled when JP1/IM - Manager starts.

If you specify OFF, the function for displaying the items for JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage in JP1/IM - View is disabled when JP1/IM - Manager starts. The default is OFF.

To enable the -rule setting, you must also restart the connected JP1/IM - View.

-resevent {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether to enable the response-waiting event management function.

If you specify ON, the response function for JP1/IM - Manager events is enabled.

If you specify OFF, the response function for JP1/IM - Manager events is disabled. The default is OFF. The value set for this command takes effect when JP1/IM - Manager has been restarted, in which case you must also restart the connected JP1/IM - View. You cannot use the -i option or the jco_spmd_reload command to enable or disable the response-waiting event management function.

-e retry-interval

Specifies the interval at which connection establishment with the event service is to be retried automatically when a connection establishment attempt fails or connection is lost while the event service is acquiring events from Event Base Service. The permitted value is from 1 to 86,400 (seconds). This is a setting for Event Base Service.

-t timeout-period

Specifies the timeout period for retry processing when event transmission from Event Base Service to Central Scope Service or Event Console Service fails and automatic transmission is retried. The permitted value is from 1 to 3,600 (seconds). When Event Base Service issues a transmission request to Central Scope Service or Event Console Service and there is no response within the time specified in this option, Event Base Service stops event transmission to that control. This is a setting for Event Base Service.

-c retry-count:retry-interval

Specifies a retry count and a retry interval at which connection establishment is to be retried automatically if an attempt to establish connection with Central Scope Service or Event Console Service, fails or if connection is lost when events are transmitted from Event Base Service to Central Scope Service or Event Console Service. The permitted retry count is from 0 to 100, and the permitted retry interval is from 0 to 3600 (seconds). This is a setting for Event Base Service.

-o retry-count:retry-interval

Specifies a retry count and a retry interval at which events are to be transmitted automatically when event transmission from Event Base Service to Central Scope Service or Event Console Service fails. The permitted retry count is from 0 to 100, and the permitted retry interval is from 0 to 3600 (seconds). This is a setting for Event Base Service.


Specifies that the values of the specified options are to be enabled. When this option is specified, the values set in the options specified in this command are loaded into Event Base Service and the Automatic Action Service and those values take effect.

The following options can be applied immediately by using the -i option:

  • -rulehost

  • -ruleuser

  • -e

  • -t

  • -c

  • -o

  • -memo

  • -cmdbtn

-h logical-host-name

When you are operating in a cluster system, this option specifies the logical host name. The command sets up the system environment of JP1/IM - Manager at the specified logical host or references the settings for the specified logical host. If this option is omitted, the logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is assumed. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the physical host name is assumed. If you are not using a cluster system, specification of this option is not needed.

-memo {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether the memo entry setting function is to be used.

If the integrated monitoring database is enabled and ON is specified in this option, the memo entry setting function is enabled. If OFF is specified, the memo entry setting function is disabled. If the integrated monitoring database is disabled, specifying ON in this option will not enable the memo entry setting function. The default is OFF.

-chsev {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether the severity changing function is to be used.

If the integrated monitoring database is enabled and ON is specified in this option, the severity changing function is enabled. If OFF is specified, the severity changing function is disabled. If the integrated monitoring database is disabled, specifying ON in this option will not enable the severity changing function. The default is OFF.

-db {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether the event storage function is to be used.

  • ON: Enable the event storage function; events can be stored in the integrated monitoring database.

  • OFF: Disable the event storage function; events cannot be not stored in the integrated monitoring database.

If the integrated monitoring database is disabled, specifying ON in this option will not enable the event storage function. The default is OFF.

If you want to specify ON, you must set up the integrated monitoring database.

If you start JP1/IM - Manager when the integrated monitoring database has not been set up, or when the IM data service is not running, Event Base Services outputs a message to the integrated trace log, and terminates abnormally.

-dbntc {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether a deletion warning notification event is to be issued when the number of JP1 events (expressed as the percentage of the maximum number of records in the integrated monitoring database) in the integrated monitoring database on which output-and-save has not been performed exceeds the deletion warning notification level.

  • ON: Issue a deletion warning notification event when the ratio of JP1 events in the integrated monitoring database on which output-and-save has not been performed exceeds the deletion warning notification level.

  • OFF: Do not issue a deletion warning notification event even if the ratio of JP1 events in the integrated monitoring database on which output-and-save has not been performed exceeds the deletion warning notification level. The default is OFF.

If the integrated monitoring database is disabled, specifying ON in this option will not result in issuance of a deletion warning notification event if the ratio of JP1 events in the integrated monitoring database on which output-and-save has not been performed has exceeded the deletion warning notification level.

-dbntcpos deletion-warning-notification-level

Specifies the number of JP1 events (expressed as the percentage of the maximum number of records in the integrated monitoring database) in the integrated monitoring database on which output-and-save has not been performed that is to trigger issuance of a deletion warning notification event.

The permitted value range is from 20 to 80 (%). The default is 80.

For example, if you specify -dbntcpos 70, the deletion warning notification level is set to 70%.

-cf {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether IM Configuration Management Service is to be started.

  • ON: Start IM Configuration Management Service when JP1/IM - Manager starts.

  • OFF: Do not start IM Configuration Management Service when JP1/IM - Manager starts. The default is OFF.

If you specify ON, make sure that IM Configuration Management has already been set up.

If you start JP1/IM - Manager when IM Configuration Management has not been set up or the IM data service has not started, Event Base Services outputs a message to the integrated trace log, and terminates abnormally.

-cmdbtn {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether to enable the command button in the Execute Command window.

  • ON: Enables the command button. When enabled, the command button is displayed in the Execute Command window. By default, ON is set.

  • OFF: Disables the command button. When disabled, the command button is not displayed in the Execute Command window.

-hostmap {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether to enable mapping on the event source host.

  • ON: Enables mapping on the event source host.

  • OFF: Disables mapping on the event source host. By default, OFF is set.

If the integrated monitoring database is disabled, mapping on the event source host will be disabled even when ON is specified.

-bizmonmode {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether to enable restrictions on referencing and operations by business groups.

  • ON: Enables restrictions on referencing and operations by business groups.

  • OFF: Disables restrictions on referencing and operations by business groups. By default, OFF is set.

If the integrated monitoring database, the IM Configuration Management service, or mapping on the event source host is disabled, restrictions on referencing and operations by business groups will be disabled even when ON is specified.

-ignorecasehost {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether to distinguish letter case when event conditions related to a host name are compared.

  • ON: Letter case is ignored. However, if regular expressions are used in the comparison keyword, uppercase and lowercase are distinguished.

  • OFF: Letter case is distinguished. By default, OFF is set.

The following table describes the correspondence between functions and attributes for which the case of a host name is ignored when this option is enabled.

Table 1‒36: Correspondence between functions and event conditions


Attribute (event condition)

Filtering using the severe event(s) filter

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Event search

When search object is the integrated monitoring database

Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

Target event server name (B.DESTSERVER)

Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

When the search object is the event database

Not supported

Filtering using the event acquisition filter (extended-mode common exclusion-conditions)

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Filtering using the view filter

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Filtering using the user filter

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Automated action

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Repeated event monitoring suppression

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Target event server name (B.DESTSERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Consolidated display of repeated events

Event conditions cannot be specified, but the -ignorecasehost option settings is applied.

Generating a correlation event

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Target event server name (B.DESTSERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Changing the severity

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Target event server name (B.DESTSERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Changing the display format of the message

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Target event server name (B.DESTSERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Outputting an event report

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Target event server name (B.DESTSERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

Event source host mapping

  • Event-issuing server name (registered host name) (B.SOURCESERVER)

  • Target event server name (B.DESTSERVER)

  • Event source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST)

-storm {ON | OFF}

Specifies whether to enable the repeated event monitoring suppression function.

  • ON: Enables the repeated event monitoring suppression function.

  • OFF: Disables the repeated event monitoring suppression function. The default is OFF.

If you specify ON when the integrated monitoring database is disabled, the repeated event monitoring function is disabled.

Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination


Execution permission error (Windows only)

When definition enabled


Trigger event

Restarting of JP1/IM - Manage

Execution of the jco_spmd_reload command

-i option specified






























































































Y: Enabled

--: Not applicable


The JP1/IM - View instance being connected must be restarted.