
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

4.20.2 SSH page

This page is used to set SSH connection information if the monitoring targets of UNIX are to be monitored.

The following figure shows an example of the SSH page.

Figure 4‒37: SSH Example of the SSH page


The following describes the items displayed on the SSH page.

User name

This text box specifies a user name. Alphabetic characters are not case sensitive. The user name can use alphanumeric characters and symbols other than control characters. A character string having from 0 through 255 bytes can be specified. The default is root.

Port number

This text box specifies a port number. You can specify a numeric value in the range from 1 to 65,535. The default is the previously specified value. If no value has been specified, the default is 22.

Private key file name

Specify a private key file by absolute path. In UNIX, characters in the file path are case sensitive. Alphabetic characters are not case sensitive. The file name can use any characters other than control characters. A character string having from 0 through 4,096 bytes can be specified. Do not enclose the path in double-quotation marks ("), even if it contains spaces. If a file name has already been specified, input complete is displayed. If no file name has been specified, a blank is displayed.