
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

4.18 Add or Delete Affiliated Hosts window

The Add or Delete Affiliated Hosts window is used to add a host to a business group or monitoring group, or delete a host from a business group or monitoring group.

The following figure shows an example of the Add or Delete Affiliated Hosts window.

Figure 4‒34: Example of the Add or Delete Affiliated Hosts window (displayed for a business group)


The following describes the items displayed in the Add or Delete Affiliated Hosts window.

Host List

This list displays hosts that can be added. This list does not display hosts that have already been added. When a host is being added to a business group, this list does not display any hosts that belong to other business groups. When a host is being added to a monitoring group, this list displays hosts of the business group that the monitoring group belongs to (other than those that already belong to the monitoring group).

The following table lists and describes the items displayed in Host List.

Table 4‒38: Items displayed in Host List

Display item



Displays host names in this column.


Displays comments in this column.

Monitoring Group

Displays the paths to monitoring groups that hosts belong to. The hierarchy levels in each path are separated by using a slash (/). If a host belongs to multiple monitoring groups, commas (,) are used to separate the paths to them.

Added Hosts

This list displays hosts that have already been added.

The items displayed in this list are the same as those that are displayed in Host List.


Clicking this button adds the hosts selected in Host List to Added Hosts.


Clicking this button deletes the hosts selected in Added Hosts.