
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

4.12 Execution Results window

The Execution Results window is used to list messages related to the application of information or the result of collection.

The following figure shows an example of the Execution Results window.

Figure 4‒28: Execution Results window


The following table describes the items displayed in the Execution Results window.

Table 4‒37: Items displayed in the Execution Results window




The name of a host on which an operation was executed.

Example: HostA

Completion status

One of the following completion statuses:

  • Normal

  • Warning

  • Error

Completion date/time

The date and time that the processing was completed.

Example: 2008/01/01 12:24:31


List of the messages related to the selected host.

Example: KNAN22017-E

Stop/Close button

Clicking the Stop button cancels the processing currently being executed.

When the processing ends, the Stop button changes to the Close button.

Clicking the Close button closes the Execution Results window.

Help button

Displays Help.