
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

4.1 IM Configuration Management window

The IM Configuration Management window is used to view or edit the hierarchical system components (IM configuration), the list of source hosts, and the organization of business groups that are managed by IM Configuration Management. When the user logs in to IM Configuration Management - View (IM Configuration Management), the IM Configuration Management window appears.

The IM Configuration Management window has the Host List, IM Configuration, and Business Group pages, one of which can be opened by choosing the corresponding tab. For details about the Host List page, see 4.1.1 Host List page. For details about the IM Configuration page, see 4.1.2 IM Configuration page. For details about the Business Group page, see 4.1.3 Business Group page.

Note that if different versions of IM Configuration Management - View and IM Configuration Management are connected, items might not be displayed as described in the manual or disabled items might be displayed. Even though the versions of these components are the same, these problems might also occur if the version of JP1/Base is different. For details about the differences in window display, see H. Connectivity with Previous Versions in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

The following figure shows an example of the IM Configuration Management window.

Figure 4‒1: IM Configuration Management window



Provides buttons for executing functions that are frequently used in the IM Configuration Management window

[Figure] (Refresh)

Refreshes the information displayed in the tree display area.

[Figure] (Central Console)

Opens the Central Consol window.

[Figure] (Central Scope)

Opens the Central Scope window.

[Figure] (Help button)

Displays Help.

Host List tab

Clicking the Host List tab opens the Host List page. On the Host List page, the hosts registered in the hierarchical structure of the system are listed in the tree display area. If the user selects a host or a virtual host from the tree display area, detailed information about the selected host is displayed in the node information display area.

IM Configuration tab

Clicking the IM Configuration tab opens the IM Configuration page. On the IM Configuration page, the hierarchical structure of the system is displayed in the tree display area. If the user selects a manager or an agent in the tree display area, detailed information about the selected manager or agent is displayed in the node information display area.

Business Group tab

Clicking the Business Group tab opens the Business Group page. The tree display area on the Business Group page displays business groups and the configuration of monitoring groups in each business group.

Display items

The user can show or hide a display item in the node information display area by right-clicking the item and selecting or deselecting the item on the menu. Selecting a display item on the menu displays it (a check mark appears). Deselecting a display item on the menu hides it (the check mark disappears). A display item whose check mark is gray cannot be deselected.

The following table describes the menu items available from the menu bar of the IM Configuration Management window.

Table 4‒1: Menu items available from the menu bar of the IM Configuration Management window





Exit, Logout

Lets the user log out from the connected JP1/Integrated Management - Manager (IM Configuration Management), and closes open windows.


Register Host

Displays the Register Host window.

Delete Host

Deletes the selected host. Multiple hosts can be deleted at one time.

Edit Host Properties

Displays the Edit Host Properties window. The registration information for the host selected in the IM Configuration Management window can be edited.

System Common Settings

Displays the System Common Settings window.

Edit Agent Configuration

Displays the Edit Agent Configuration window. This window can be used to edit agent configuration definitions.

Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration

Displays the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window. This window can be used to edit remote monitoring configuration definitions.

Business Group


If a root node has been selected:

Choosing this command displays the Create Business Group window. This window can be used to create business groups.

If a business group node or monitoring group node has been selected:

Choosing this command displays the Create Monitoring Group window. This window can be used to create monitoring groups.

Edit Basic Information

If a business group node has been selected:

Choosing this command displays the Edit Business Group Basic Information window. This window can be used to edit the basic information of the business group node.

If a monitoring group node has been selected:

Choosing this command displays the Edit Monitoring Group window. This window can be used to edit the basic information of the monitoring group node.


If a business group node has been selected:

Choosing this command deletes the selected business group.

If a monitoring group node has been selected:

Choosing this command deletes all items under the selected monitoring group node.


Copies the tree structure from the selected monitoring group in its entirety.


Cuts the tree structure from the selected monitoring group in its entirety.


Pastes the monitoring group that was copied or cut.

If a business group node has been selected:

The monitoring group will be pasted as a monitoring group immediately under the selected business group node.

If a monitoring group node has been selected:

The monitoring group will be pasted immediately under the selected business group node.

Add or Delete Affiliated Hosts

Displays the Add or Delete Affiliated Hosts window. This window can be used to add a host to the selected business group or monitoring group or remove a host from the selected business group or monitoring group.

Copy Path to Clipboard

Copies the path to the selected node (business group or monitoring group) to the Clipboard.


Collect Host Information

Collects information about the selected host. If the user selects multiple hosts, the Execution Results window appears.

Collect IM Configuration

Acquires the configuration definition information in effect in the system.

Synchronize IM Configuration

Synchronizes the IM configuration information between the upper-level manager and the lower-level manager.

Verify IM Configuration

Compares the configuration definition information of the manager and of the agent to check for whether they match. A message indicating that processing is in progress appears in the Execution Results window.

Batch Collect Profiles

Collects the profiles in a batch operation. A message indicating that processing is in progress appears in the Execution Results window.

Batch Reflect Profiles

Applies the profiles in a batch. A message indicating that processing is in progress appears in the Execution Results window.

Virtualization Configuration

Collect Virtualization Configuration

Collects virtualization configuration information from the virtualization system management host selected in the IM Configuration Management window.

Batch Collect Virtualization Configurations

Collects virtualization configuration information from all virtualization system management hosts managed by IM Configuration Management.

Apply to Central Scope Monitoring Tree

Applies the virtualization configuration information to the monitoring tree in the central scope.

Business Group

Apply Business Group

Applies the edited business group to the system.

When the edited business group is applied, the names of business groups and monitoring groups specified in the following definitions on the central console are also updated:

  • Severe event definitions

  • Event search conditions

  • Event acquisition filter (common exclusion-conditions in extended mode)

  • Event receiver filter

  • View filter

  • Correlation event generation definition

  • Automated action definition

  • Conditions for updating the list of action results

  • Command button definition

  • Severity changing definition

  • Display message change definitions

  • Event-source host mapping definition

Apply to Central Scope Monitoring Tree

Applies the edited business group to the monitoring tree in the central scope.

Launch Base View

Displays IM Configuration Management - View of the base manager.


Display Profiles

Displays the Display/Edit Profiles window.

Login User List

Displays the Login User List window.

Central Console

Displays the Central Console viewer.

Central Scope

Displays the Central Scope viewer.

Display Configuration Status Unknown Icon

Specifies whether to display configuration status unknown icons. The default is to display the icons.


Refreshes the information displayed in the IM Configuration Management window.



Displays Help.

Help Contents

Displays the Help contents.

About JP1/IM - View

Displays the version information of IM Configuration Management - View.

Organization of this section