
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

3.17 Basic Information Settings window

The Basic Information Settings window is used to set basic information for the system-monitoring object selected in the Create New Monitoring Node window. The Basic Information Settings window is opened from the Create New Monitoring Node window when the user selects a system-monitoring object from the drop-down list in the Monitoring node type area and then clicks the OK button.

The following figure shows an example of the Basic Information Settings window.

Figure 3‒26: Basic Information Settings window


The items displayed in the Basic Information Settings window differ depending on the system-monitoring object selected in the Create New Monitoring Node window. The items displayed in the above figure are only examples.

For details about the information to be set, see 4. Lists of System-Monitoring Objects (for Central Scope) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

The maximum length of each item that can be specified in the Basic Information Settings window is 1,023 bytes. A maximum of five items can be specified. However, the total length of all items specified in the window must not exceed 1,280 bytes.