
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.44.4 Enter Response window

The Enter Response window is used to enter a response to a response-waiting event. To open this window, you need JP1_Console_Operator or higher permission.

You can open the Enter Response window in the following ways:

The following figure shows the Enter Response window.

Figure 2‒85: Enter Response window


The following describes the items displayed in the Enter Response window.

Response attributes

This area displays information necessary to respond to a response-waiting event.

Event database serial number

Shows the sequence number assigned to the response-waiting event in the event database.


Shows the status of the process that issued the response-waiting event.

  • READY TO RESPOND: You can respond to the event because the process that issued the event exists.

  • NO LONGER MANAGED BY BJEX or NO LONGER MANAGED BY JP1/AS: You cannot respond to the event because the process that issued the event does not exist.

  • RESPONDED SUCCESSFULLY: Response to the process was successful. (This is displayed only in the Enter Response window in which the response was made.)

  • ALREADY RESPONDED: Response to the process has already finished. (This is displayed only when the Enter Response window was displayed or refreshed for a response-waiting event which has already been responded to.)


Displays the message in the response-waiting event.

Message after the change/Message before the change

You can use the radio buttons to switch the message to be displayed between the message that was changed by the display message change function and the message before the change. If you select the Message after the change radio button, the changed display message is displayed. If you select the Message before the change radio button, the message before the change is displayed.

If the changed display message does not exist (that is, the event was received when the display message change function was disabled or paused), the radio buttons are unavailable with the Message before the change radio button selected.

When you display the Enter Response window, the Message after the change radio button is selected.

If the IM database has not been updated by using the jimdbupdate command after an upgrade installation was performed from version 10-50 or earlier, the radio buttons are unavailable with the Message before the change radio button selected.


Enter a response.

  • You can enter a string that has 512 or fewer bytes.

  • You can use ASCII codes in the range from 0x20 to 0x7E.

  • You can use only the UTF-8 encoding.


Click this button to execute the response that you entered. When a dialog box asking you whether to respond appears, click the Yes button. The entered response will be executed. For details about the response mechanism, see 9.2.4 Responding to response-waiting events in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide.