
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.43 Event-Information Mapping Detailed Definitions window

The Event-Information Mapping Detailed Definitions window is used to create an event-information mapping definition that maps a display item and a program-specific extended attribute.

This window is opened from the Event-Information Mapping Definitions window when the Add or Edit button is clicked or when an even-information mapping definition is double-clicked in List of definitions.

The following figure shows an example of the Event-Information Mapping Detailed Definitions window.

Figure 2‒81: Event-Information Mapping Detailed Definitions window


The following describes the items displayed in the Event-Information Mapping Detailed Definitions window.

Display item

This text box is used to select which item displayed in the event list that the specified program-specific extended attribute is to be mapped to.

You can select one of the following items, which can be selected in the Preferences window:

Source process ID, Arrived time, Source user ID, Source group ID, Source user name, Source group name, Source host, Source serial number, Event level, User name, Product name, Object type, Object name, Root object type, Root object name, Occurrence, Start time, or End time

Example: Source host

Program-specific extended attribute

Specifies the program-specific extended attribute to be mapped to the selected display item. For details about the program-specific extended attributes that can be specified, see 3.1 Attributes of JP1 events in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

To map a program-specific extended attribute to Arrived time, Start time, or End time, the user must specify an attribute whose value is a numeric value indicating the number of seconds from 1/1/1970 00:00:00 UTC in the range from 0 to 2,147,483,647. If the value of the specified attribute is not a numeric value or is outside the range, the previously entered attribute is displayed.

Attribute name

This area becomes available if you select the Attribute name radio button.

The attribute name specified in this area can have a maximum of 32 bytes, and can consist of upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and underscores (_). If a lower-case alphabetic character is entered, it is automatically converted to the corresponding upper-case alphabetic character. The attribute name must begin with an upper-case alphabetic character and does not need to include E that indicates an extended attribute.

Only one program-specific extended attribute can be mapped to one display item.

Example: LOGHOST

Item name

Specifies the condition of a program-specific extended attribute by using an item name.

This area becomes available if you select the Item name radio button.

Specify the condition by selecting an item name from the Item name drop-down list. The displayed item names are program-specific extended attributes specified for the standard file and the extended file of the definition file for extended event attributes.

Event ID

Specifies the IDs of the JP1 events for which the specified displayed item and attribute name are to be mapped. Each event ID is specified by using 1 to 8 hexadecimal numbers. You can specify a value in the range from 0 to 7FFFFFFF. A maximum of 100 event IDs can be specified. Multiple event IDs require a comma (,) as a separator.

Example 1: 3FFF

Example 2: 12345B,7FFFFFFF