
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.41 Preview Command Execution Content window

The Preview Command Execution Content window is used to preview the result of executing the command specified in the Execute Command window. In the Preview Command Execution Content window, variables in the command are replaced with the corresponding event information. The user can use this window to check whether the variables in the command will be replaced correctly and check for any problems with command execution before executing the command.

Figure 2‒78: Preview Command Execution Content window (when "Command of managed host" is selected in the Execute Command window)


Figure 2‒79: Preview Command Execution Content window (when "Client application" is selected in the Execute Command window)


The Preview Command Execution Content window is displayed when the Execute button or a command button is clicked while the settings in the Execute Command window satisfy the following conditions:

The following describes the items displayed in the Preview Command Execution Content window.


Either of these icons followed by a message indicates the status of the command execution result. The [Figure] icon is displayed if all specified variables are replaced with event information successfully. The [Figure] icon is displayed if variable replacement fails or truncation of character strings occurs after replacement.

Command type

This area displays the type of the displayed command. Either Command of managed host or Client application is displayed.

Target host

This area displays the target host name. If variables are used, the corresponding event information is displayed instead of the variables.

This area appears only if Command of managed host is displayed in the Command type area.

Note that the length of the target host name after replacing variables with the corresponding event information might exceed the maximum length of the Target host value that can be specified in the Execute Command window. If the maximum length is exceeded, the target host name displayed in the Preview Command Execution Content window is truncated to the maximum length.

If a truncated target host name is displayed in the Preview Command Execution Content window, the Initialize with Pre-truncated Values button is displayed.

The maximum length of a character string that can be handled in this area is 20,480 bytes in terms of the character encoding used on the manager host. The specifiable values and the maximum value are the same as for Target host in the Execute Command window. For details, see the description of the Target host area in 2.40 Execute Command window.

Also note that in the Preview Command Execution Content window, the user cannot specify any variables that inherit event information.

If either of the following conditions is satisfied when the Preview Command Execution Content window opens, the [Figure] icon is displayed:

  • The target host name includes variables that could not be replaced with event information.

  • The target host name is truncated to the maximum length of the Target host value that can be specified in the Execute Command window.

Initialize with Pre-truncated Values

This button appears if a truncated target host name is displayed in the Target host area when the Preview Command Execution Content window opens.

If this button is clicked, the target host name before truncation is displayed in the text box in the Target host area. Note, however, that the capacity of the text box is 20,480 bytes. If the length of the target host name before truncation exceeds 20,480 bytes, the target host name is truncated to 20,480 bytes.

If this truncation occurs, the KAVB1036-W message is displayed.

Initialize with Default Values

After the character string displayed in Target host has been changed, clicking this button resets the character string to the initial value that was displayed when the Preview Command Execution Content window was opened.


The text box in this area displays the command that will be executed. In the displayed command, variables are replaced with the corresponding event information.

Note that the length of the command string after replacing variables with event information might exceed the maximum length of the Command value that can be specified in the Execute Command window (4,096 bytes#). If the maximum length is exceeded, the command string is truncated to the maximum length.

If a truncated command string is displayed in the Preview Command Execution Content window, the Initialize with Pre-truncated Values button is displayed.

The maximum length of a character string that can be handled in this area is 20,480 bytes#. The specifiable values and the maximum value are the same as for Command in the Execute Command window. For details, see the description of the Command text box in 2.40 Execute Command window.

Also note that in the Preview Command Execution Content window, the user cannot specify any variables that inherit event information.

If either of the following conditions is satisfied when the Preview Command Execution Content window opens, the [Figure] icon is displayed:

  • The command string includes variables that could not be replaced with event information.

  • The command string is truncated to the maximum length of the Command value that can be specified in the Execute Command window.


If Command of managed host is displayed in Command type, the maximum length is based on the character encoding used on the manager host. If Client application is displayed in Command type, the maximum length is based on the character encoding used on the viewer host.

Initialize with Pre-truncated Values

This button appears if a truncated command string is displayed in the Command area when the Preview Command Execution Content window opens.

If this button is clicked, the command string before truncation is displayed in the text box in the Command area. Note, however, that the capacity of the text box is 20,480 bytes. If the length of the command string before truncation exceeds 20,480 bytes, the command string is truncated to 20,480 bytes.

If this truncation occurs, the KAVB1036-W message is displayed.

Initialize with Default Values

After the character string displayed in Command has been changed, clicking this button resets the character string to the initial value that was displayed when the Preview Command Execution Content window was opened.

Environment variable file

The text box in this area displays the environment variable file name with variables replaced with the corresponding event information.

This area appears only if Command of managed host is displayed in Command type.

Note that the length of the environment variable file name after replacing variables with event information might exceed the maximum length of the Environment variable file value that can be specified in the Execute Command window (255 bytes). If the maximum length is exceeded, the environment variable file name is truncated to the maximum length.

If a truncated environment variable file name is displayed in the Preview Command Execution Content window, the Initialize with Pre-truncated Values button is displayed.

The maximum length of a character string that can be handled in this area is 20,480 bytes#. The specifiable values and the maximum value are the same as for Environment variable file in the Execute Command window. For details, see the description of the Environment variable file text box in 2.40 Execute Command window.

Also note that in the Preview Command Execution Content window, the user cannot specify any variables that inherit event information.

If either of the following conditions is satisfied when the Preview Command Execution Content window opens, the [Figure] icon is displayed:

  • The environment variable file name includes variables that could not be replaced with event information.

  • The environment variable file name is truncated to the maximum length of the Environment variable file value that can be specified in the Execute Command window.

Initialize with Pre-truncated Values

This button appears if a truncated environment variable file name is displayed in the Environment variable file area when the Preview Command Execution Content window opens.

If this button is clicked, the environment variable file name before truncation is displayed in the text box in the Environment variable file area. Note, however, that the capacity of the text box is 20,480 bytes. If the length of the environment variable file name before truncation exceeds 20,480 bytes, the file name is truncated to 20,480 bytes.

If this truncation occurs, the KAVB1036-W message is displayed.

Initialize with Default Values

After the environment variable file name displayed in Command has been changed, clicking this button resets the file name to the initial value that was displayed when the Preview Command Execution Content window was opened.


Click this button to execute the specified command.