
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.36 Action Log window

The Action Log window lists the execution results of automated actions. This window is opened from the Event Console window in which the user selects an event with which automated actions are associated, and chooses View from the menu bar and then Action Log.

The following figure shows an example of the Action Log window.

Figure 2‒69: Action Log window


When linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation is enabled, the Type column and the Rule Log Details button are added to the Log area of the Action Log window as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2‒70: Action Log window (when linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation is enabled)


The following describes the items displayed in the Action Log window.


Clicking this button refreshes the list in the Log area.

When an action has been selected and re-executed, clicking the Update button clears the selection.

Event ID

The ID of the selected JP1 event is displayed.


This area lists the execution results of automated actions associated with the selected JP1 event.

When two or more actions are selected in the list, the only operation the user can perform is Cancel Action. If the user selects and double-clicks only one action, the Action Log Details window appears.

Suppress Trigger Details

This button can be used when Deterrent is displayed as the status or when -RD or -RUD is displayed as the status suffix in the Status column of the action selected in the Log area. If this button is clicked in these cases, details of the action that triggered the start of suppression are displayed.

The following describes the status suffixes -RD, -RUD, and -D displayed in the Status column:

  • -RD

    This suffix is displayed when a value other than OFF is specified in the -r option of the jcoimdef command and the command is re-executed for the action suppressed during Automatic Action Service startup. This suffix is also displayed when the action log is output to the action re-execution file (example: Ended-RD)

  • -RUD

    This suffix is displayed when the suppressed action is re-executed by clicking the Re-execute button in the Action Log window or List of Action Results window (example: Ended-RUD).

  • -D

    This suffix is displayed when the status of a suppressed action is Fail. -D is displayed after Fail (example: Fail-D).

When the user selects an action in the Log area and clicks the Suppress Trigger Details button, the Action Log Details window opens. This window can be used to check the detailed execution result of the action.

The detailed execution result of an action can be displayed only if Deterrent is displayed as the status or if -RD or -RUD is displayed as the status suffix.

The Suppress Trigger Details button is disabled in the following cases:

  • When the user selects an action whose status is not Deterrent or whose status suffix is neither -RD nor -RUD

  • When the user selects multiple actions


Clicking this button displays the detailed execution result of the action selected in the Log area. The Action Log Details window opens, displaying the detailed execution result.

This button is disabled if multiple actions have been selected.


Clicking this button requests the re-execution of the action selected in the Log area. The user can use this button to re-execute an action whose status is Cancel, Kill, Error, Deterrent, or Ended.

To use this button, the user must have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission.

To request the re-execution of an action, the user selects an action in the Log area and then clicks the Re-execute button. When the Re-execute button is clicked, a dialog box asking whether the user wants to re-execute the action appears. Clicking the OK button in the dialog box completes the re-execution request for the selected automated action. Hitachi recommends that the user click the Update button after submission of the request to check the status of the action.

The Re-execute button is disabled in the following cases:

  • When the user selects an action whose status is not Cancel, Kill, Error, Deterrent, or Ended

  • When the user selects multiple actions

Cancel Action

Clicking this button cancels execution of an action whose status is Wait, Queue, or Running. Note that cancellation fails if the version of JP1/Base on the host on which the action is to be executed is 07-00 or earlier.

To use this button, the user must have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission.

To request cancellation, the user selects an action in the Log area and then clicks Cancel Action. When Cancel Action is clicked, a dialog box asking whether the user wants to cancel execution of the action appears.

Clicking the OK button in the dialog box completes the request to cancel execution of the selected automated action is accepted. Note, however, that canceling the execution of an action whose status is not Wait, Queue, or Running cannot be requested.

Hitachi recommends that the user click the Update button after submission of the request to check the status of the action.

The Cancel Action button is disabled if the status of the selected action is not Wait, Queue, or Running.

Rule Log Details

Clicking this button allows the user to view the execution result of a rule for which a rule startup request was sent to JP1/IM - Rule Operation. When this button is clicked, the Rule Log Details window of JP1/IM - Rule Operation opens.

This button is displayed only if linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation has been set up.

For details about setting up linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation, see 9.3.1 Settings for enabling the JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage function in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide.

The Rule Log Details button is disabled in the following cases:

  • When the selected action type is not Rule

  • When the return code of the selected action is not 0

  • When the user selects multiple actions

  • When Web-based JP1/IM - View is being used