
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.27 Event Search Detailed Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window

The Event Search Detailed Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window is used to set a program-specific extended attribute condition as a filter condition.

This window can be used to set only one program-specific extended attribute condition.

As the program-specific extended attribute condition, one extended attribute name and one attribute value can be set.

This window is displayed when the user clicks the Add or Edit button in the Event Search Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window or when the user double-clicks a program-specific extended attribute condition in the Conditions list.

The following figure shows an example of the Event Search Detailed Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window.

Figure 2‒55: Event Search Detailed Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window


The following describes the items displayed in the Event Search Detailed Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window.

Attribute name

Specifies the name of a program-specific extended attribute.

This area becomes available if you select the Attribute name radio button.

The attribute name specified in this area can have a maximum of 32 bytes consisting of upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and underscores (_). The name must begin with an upper-case alphabetic character.

Only one condition can be set for one attribute.

Item name

Specifies the condition of a program-specific extended attribute by using an item name.

This area becomes available if you select the Item name radio button.

Specify the condition by selecting an item name from the Item name drop-down list. The displayed item names are program-specific extended attributes specified for the standard file and the extended file of the definition file for extended event attributes.

Note on specifying the suppressed event ID:

The suppressed event ID (E.JP1_IMSUPPRESS_ID) is not displayed in the Item name drop-down list if all of the following conditions exist:

  • The version of JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View is 11-01 or later.

  • The repeated event monitoring suppression function is enabled.

  • The Event Search Detailed Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window was opened from the Event Search Conditions window or the Settings for View Filter window.

To specify the suppressed event ID as an event condition in the Event Search Conditions window or the Settings for View Filter window, specify the suppressed event ID for Suppressed event ID in that window.

Attribute value

Specifies the program-specific extended attribute.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.