
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.17.1 Basic Settings page

The Basic Settings page is used to specify repeated event conditions and suppression settings.

Figure 2‒36: Basic Settings page (in JP1/IM - Manager version 10-50 or later)


Figure 2‒37: Basic Settings page (in JP1/IM - Manager version 10-10)


In JP1/IM - Manager version 10-10, a Suppress actions of the repeated events check box is displayed instead of the Suppress actions for the following events check box in the Suppression items area.

The following describes the items displayed on the Basic Settings page.

List of repeated event conditions

This list box displays a list of repeated event conditions. Conditions that are higher in the list have higher priority.

The Attribute name column displays the names of the attributes of the event conditions. For program-specific extended attributes specified by users, the string E. is prefixed to the attribute names. For example, if TEST is specified, E.TEST is displayed.

The Attribute value column displays one or more attribute values. Multiple attribute values are separated by commas (,).

The Condition column displays the comparative operator for the event condition (First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, Regular expression, Period, or Time).

Read From Selected Event

When this button is clicked, the attribute value of the JP1 event selected in the Event Console window is automatically input to the condition list. The following table describes how the system behaves when this button is clicked. The byte counts in the table are for Shift-JIS converted character strings.

Table 2‒13: How the system behaves when the Read From Selected Event button is clicked

Event attribute value



Control characters#1

4,096 or fewer bytes

Not included

  • All event attribute values are applied.

  • For an attribute for which an optional condition can be specified, Match is selected.


  • The characters before the first control character are used as the condition value in the condition list.

  • For an attribute for which an optional condition can be specified, First characters is selected.

4,097 or more bytes

Not included

  • The first 4,096 bytes#2 are used as the condition value in the condition list.

  • For an attribute for which an optional condition can be specified, First characters is selected.

Included in the first 4,096 bytes

  • The characters before the first control character are used as the condition value in the condition list.

  • For an attribute for which an optional condition can be specified, First characters is selected.

Included after the 4,096th byte

  • The first 4,096 bytes#2 are used as the condition value in the condition list.

  • For an attribute for which an optional condition can be specified, First characters is selected.


This column indicates whether control characters are included in the event attribute value. Control characters here include line breaks and tabs.


If the 4,096th byte is in the middle of a multi-byte character, the string before the multi-byte character is used as the condition value in the condition list.

If the information about the selected JP1 event is mapped in the event-information mapping definitions, the attribute values and program-specific extended attribute values for the mapped display items are not input to the condition list. For details about the event-information mapping definitions, see 5.9.2 Displaying extended attributes of JP1 events (mapping of event information)in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide.


Click this button to add a new event condition. You can add only event conditions that have not yet been set. The new event condition is added at the bottom of the event condition list. The list can contain a maximum of 256 event conditions.


Click this button to delete the selected event condition.


Click this button to move the event condition selected event condition one line up.

Use this button to change the priority of the event conditions.


Click this button to move the selected event condition one line down.

Use this button to change the priority of the event conditions.

Event condition editing

This pattern of area is used to edit a condition for suppressing monitoring of repeated events. The area to be displayed differs depending on the selected attribute. The following describes the areas that can be displayed.

If the Repeated Event Condition Settings window that is displayed was opened by selecting Suppress by Repeated Event Conditions, the attribute names and values for the JP1 event selected when the window was opened are automatically set as conditions. The attribute names and values that will be automatically set can be specified by using the auto-input definition file for the repeated event condition. The behavior of the system when an attribute value is longer than 4,096 bytes (when Shift-JIS encoded) or includes control characters is the same as when the Read From Selected Event button is clicked. For details about the auto-input definition file for the repeated event condition, see Auto-input definition file for the repeated event condition (event_storm_auto_list.conf) in 2. Definition Files in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

Character string editing


This pattern applies when one of the following attributes is selected:

  • Event source host name

  • Source host

  • Object name

  • Root object name

  • Occurrence

  • User name

  • Message

  • Product name

  • Source user name

  • Source group name

  • Source IP address

  • Object ID

  • Return code

When specifying an IPv6 address for Source IP address, alphabetic characters must be lower case, as shown below:


You cannot specify an IP address in abbreviated form like the one shown below:


If the integrated monitoring database and IM Configuration Management database are enabled, you can specify a business group name in path format for Source host and Event source host name. Either Match or Does not match can be selected as a condition. If these databases are disabled and the selected condition is not Match or Does not match, a business group name specified in path format is treated as a host name.

Note that Event source host name can be specified only if the mapping of the event source host is enabled. If the mapping of the event source host is disabled, conditions for Event source host name can be specified by specifying JP1_SOURCEHOST as the attribute name when the area for editing event conditions is in the Extended-attribute editing pattern.

A character string of 64 kilobytes or less (when Shift-JIS encoded) can be specified. Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

You can specify a maximum of 100 character strings by using a comma (,) as a separator. However, only one character string can be specified if Regular expression is selected.

To specify a comma (,) or backslash (\) as an ordinary character, prefix it with a backslash (\). That is, to use a comma (,), enter \,. To use a backslash (\), enter \\.

From the drop-down list on the right, select a condition for the specified character string from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

If Regular expression is not selected in the drop-down list on the right when ON is set for the -ignorecasehost option of the jcoimdef command, the case of alphabetic characters is ignored for the following attributes:

  • Source host

  • Event source host name

Severity-level editing


This pattern applies when the following attribute is selected:

  • Event level

    Which events are filtered out depends on the selected radio button.

  • If All events for which severity has been defined is selected:

    All events for which severity (an event level) is defined are filtered out.

  • If Specify the severity is selected:

    Events assigned a specific severity are filtered out.

    You can select Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, or Debug.

  • If JP1/SES events is selected:

    JP1/SES events are filtered out.

Note that if you enable the severity changing function, Original Severity Level is displayed instead of Severity. When this function is enabled, the previous severity level is automatically input when you click the Suppress by Repeated Event Conditions button or the Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions menu command.

For details on the severity changing function, see 4.13 Setting the severity changing function in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide.

Character string editing (with input candidates)


This pattern applies when you select the following attributes:

  • Object type

  • Root object type

Specify a character string of no more than 64 kilobytes (when Shift-JIS encoded). Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

You can specify a maximum of 100 character strings by using a comma (,) as a separator. However, only one character string can be specified if Regular expression is selected.

To specify a comma (,) or backslash (\) as an ordinary character, prefix it with a backslash (\). That is, to use a comma (,), enter \,. To use a backslash (\), enter \\.

From the drop-down list on the right, select a condition for the specified character string from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

Event ID editing


This pattern applies when the following attribute is selected:

  • Event ID

You can specify a maximum of eight hexadecimal digits as an event ID. When specifying multiple event IDs, the entire string must not exceed 64 kilobytes. You cannot specify control characters. The range of specifiable values is from 0 to 7FFFFFFF.

You can specify a maximum of 100 event IDs by using a comma (,) as a separator.

From the drop-down list on the right, select Match or Does not match as a condition for the specified event IDs.

Date and time editing (range specification)


This pattern applies when you select the following attributes:

  • Start timeframe

  • End timeframe

The way in which you specify the date and time depends on the selected radio button.

  • If Specify date and time range is selected:

    Specify the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second that serves as the base time of the range. Use the Specify date and time range option when specifying the range as an accumulated number of seconds.

    You can enter the current time by clicking the Current Time button.

    The way in which the period is specified depends on the selected radio button.

    • If the Period radio button is selected:

    Specify the target range for the event condition as a period. From the drop-down list on the right, you can select XX days after, XX hours after, XX minutes after, XX days before, XX hours before, or XX minutes before.

    • If the Time radio button is selected:

    Specify the end of the target range for the event condition as a date and time.

  • If Specify character string is selected:

    Specify a character string of no more than 64 kilobytes (when Shift-JIS encoded). Use the Specify character string option when specifying the range as a character string. Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

    You can specify a maximum of 100 character strings by using a comma (,) as a separator. However, only one character string can be specified if Regular expression is selected.

    To specify a comma (,) or backslash (\) as an ordinary character, prefix it with a backslash (\). That is, to use a comma (,), enter \,. To use a backslash (\), enter \\.

    From the drop-down list on the right, select a condition for the specified character string from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

Date and time editing


This pattern applies when you select the following attributes:

  • Registered timeframe

  • Arrived timeframe

Specify the year, month, day, hour, minutes, and seconds.

You can enter the current time by clicking the Current Time button.

The way in which the period is specified depends on the selected radio button.

  • If the Period radio button is selected:

    Specify the target range for the event condition as a period. From the drop-down list on the right, you can select XX days after, XX hours after, XX minutes after, XX days before, XX hours before, or XX minutes before.

  • If the Time radio button is selected:

    Specify the end of the target range for the event condition as a date and time.

Extended-attribute editing


This pattern applies when the following attribute is selected:

  • Extended attribute

Specify a condition for the program-specific extended attribute.

Depending on the selected radio button, the item that can be specified differs.

  • When Attribute name is selected:

    Specify a condition for the program-specific extended attribute by using an attribute name.

    In the Attribute name text box, you can enter a character string of no more than 32 bytes. The character string can contain upper-case alphabetic characters, numerals, and underscores (_). The first character must be an upper case alphabetic character. If you enter a lower-case character as the first character, it will be converted to an upper-case character. You cannot specify common information as an extended attribute.

  • When Item name is selected:

    Specify a condition for the program-specific extended attribute by using an item name.

    Specify a condition by selecting an item name from the Item name drop-down list. The displayed item names are program-specific extended attributes specified for the standard file and the extended file of the definition file for extended event attributes.

In the Condition text box, specify a character string of no more than 64 kilobytes (when Shift-JIS encoded). Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

You can specify a maximum of 100 character strings by using a comma (,) as a separator. However, only one character string can be specified if Regular expression is selected.

To specify a comma (,) or backslash (\) as an ordinary character, prefix it with a backslash (\). That is, to use a comma (,), enter \,. To use a backslash (\), enter \\. Note that \, and \\ each count as one byte.

From the drop-down list on the right, select a condition for the specified character string from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

Numeric value editing


This pattern applies when you select the following attributes:

  • Registered reason

  • Source process ID

  • Source user ID

  • Source group ID

Specify a decimal integer of no more than 64 kilobytes, using integers from 0 to 9 and hyphens (-). You can specify values in the range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

You can specify a maximum of 100 numeric values by using a comma (,) as a separator.

From the drop-down list on the right, select Match or Does not match as a condition for the specified numeric value.


Click this button to apply the settings.

Suppression items

Specify options for suppressing monitoring of repeated events.


Suppress display of the repeated events list

To prevent the list of repeated events from being displayed, select the Suppress display of the repeated events list check box. If you do not want to prevent this list from being displayed, clear the check box. The check box is selected by default.

Suppress actions for the following events

If you do not want repeated events to trigger automated actions, select the Suppress actions for the following events check box. Then, specify the range of events for which to suppress automated actions by selecting the All repeated events or Repeated events other than repeated start events radio button. The following table describes the difference between these options:

Table 2‒14: Difference between action suppression options

Selected option

Events for which automated actions are suppressed

All repeated events

Actions are suppressed for all events that match the repeated event conditions you are editing.

Repeated events other than repeated start events

Actions are suppressed for all events that match the repeated event conditions you are editing, except the event that caused the system to begin suppressing repeated events.

If you want repeated events to trigger automated actions, clear the check box. The check box is cleared by default.

For details on the events for which the execution of automated actions is suppressed, see 3.5.8 Suppressing the execution of automated actions triggered by a large number of events in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Make sure that you select either or both of the above check boxes. If you click the OK button without selecting at least one of these check boxes, message KAVB0002-E will be displayed in a dialog box.

In JP1/IM - Manager version 10-10, a Suppress actions of the repeated events check box appears instead of the Suppress actions for the following events check box in the Suppression items area. When you select the Suppress actions of the repeated events check box, JP1/IM - Manager behaves as if you have selected the Suppress actions for the following events check box and the All repeated events suppression option.
