
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.16 Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window

The Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is displayed when common exclusion-conditions groups are to be manipulated in extended mode. This window is used to set the JP1 event exclusion-conditions and their validity period for an event acquisition filter that is applied to JP1 events received from the event service.

Note that the window displayed when common exclusion-conditions groups are to be manipulated in basic mode is the Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window. For details about this window, see 2.15 Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window.

The Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window has the Common exclusion-conditions page and the Conditions Apply Period page.

To display this window:

Note that displaying the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window requires JP1_Console_Admin permission. If the function for restricting reference permissions and operation permissions is enabled for business groups, this operation might not be performed depending on the combination of the JP1 resource group and permission level. For details, see 3.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide. Also note that the System Environment Settings window cannot be displayed in the Web-based version of JP1/IM - View.

The information set on the pages of the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is converted into a filter condition statement when the OK button is clicked#. For details about how to estimate the length of a filter condition statement, see the Release Notes for JP1/IM - View.

#: The setting takes effect when:

When the version of JP1/IM - Manager is 11-10-01 or later, JP1/IM - Manager checks whether any environment-dependent character is included in the definitions. If such a character is found, the settings are not applied.

The following figure shows the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window.

Figure 2‒32: Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window


The following describes the items displayed in the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window.

Common exclusion-conditions group ID

This drop-down list can be used to select a common exclusion-conditions group ID in extended mode. The drop-down list lists IDs from 0 to 2499.

The IDs of common exclusion-conditions groups that have not been used in the Common exclusion-conditions groups list are displayed in this drop-down list in ascending order of numeric values.

When the user edits a common exclusion-condition in extended mode, the common exclusion-conditions group ID selected in the Common exclusion-conditions groups list is displayed in this drop-down list. If the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is opened by choosing Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions, a blank is displayed.

This drop-down list is disabled when the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is opened by choosing Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions or opened in order to edit the definition of additional common exclusion-conditions.

Common exclusion-conditions group name

This text box is used to specify the name of a common exclusion-conditions group. Specify a character string of 1 to 50 bytes (when Shift-JIS encoded). All characters other than control characters (0x00 to 0x1F and 0x7F to 0x9F) can be used.

When the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is opened by clicking the Add button, the system automatically displays Common exclusion-conditions group n in this text box. The number n is the smallest number that has not been used in already defined common exclusion-conditions group names in the range from 1 to the maximum number of condition groups that can be defined.

If an existing common exclusion-conditions group is selected in the Common exclusion-conditions groups area when you change the name in this text box, the existing group is renamed.

If you specify a name of a common exclusion-conditions group that already appears in the Common exclusion-conditions groups area, a dialog box displaying the following message appears:

KAVB0256-E The specified condition group name already exists.

If the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is opened by choosing Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions, Additional common exclusion-conditions group n is displayed as the initial value. The initial value can be changed by using the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file. The number n is the smallest number that has not been used in already defined common exclusion-conditions group names in the range from 1 to the maximum number of condition groups that can be defined. The user can change the displayed name.


This text box can be used to specify a comment on a common exclusion-condition in extended mode. You can specify a character string that has 1,024 or fewer bytes (when Shift-JIS encoded). All characters other than control characters (0x00 to 0x1F and 0x7F to 0x9F) can be used.

When the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is opened by choosing Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions, the following items are displayed in this text box: the name of the JP1 user that registered the definition, the date on which the common exclusion-condition was registered (in YYYY/MM/DD format), and the time at which the condition was registered (in hh:mm:ss format). The displayed character string can be changed.

Target for exclusion

This is used to specify the exclusion target. Select the Do not acquire events radio button to prevent a JP1 event from being collected when the event satisfies a common exclusion-condition. Select the Acquire events but do not execute automatic actions radio button to exclude a JP1 event from action execution when the event satisfies a common exclusion-condition.

Common exclusion-conditions page

This page is used to set common exclusion-conditions in extended mode.

Conditions Apply Period page

This page is used to set the validity period for common exclusion-conditions that are set in extended mode.

Organization of this section