
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.1 Overview of the Event Console window

When a user logs in to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console), the Event Console window appears.

The Event Console window is used to monitor JP1 events and can be used to open windows for performing operations, such as executing a command, from the Event Console window. Note that some windows are not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View. This section also describes the functional differences between JP1/IM - View and Web-based JP1/IM - View windows.

The Event Console window has three pages: Monitor Events, Severe Events, and Search Events. The user displays a page by choosing the corresponding tab. For details about the Monitor Events page, see 2.2 Monitor Events page. For details about the Severe Events page, see 2.3 Severe Events page. For details about the Search Events page, see 2.4 Search Events page.

This section describes the items displayed in the Event Console window and the items that are common to all pages.


Some of the items displayed in the Event Console window change if linkage with BJEX or JP1/AS is enabled. For information about the contents of the Event Console window when linkage with BJEX or JP1/AS is enabled, see 2.44.2 Event Console window.

The figure below shows an example of the Event Console window.

Note that some windows, buttons, and other items related to the Event Console window might not be enabled or displayed, depending on the version of JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console). For details, see H. Connectivity with Previous Versions in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Figure 2‒1: Event Console window


The following describes the items displayed in the Event Console window:

Alarm indicator

Indicates whether there are unprocessed severe events on the Severe Events page.

If the alarm indicator is red, unprocessed severe events exist. If the alarm indicator is blue, no unprocessed severe events exist.

When all severe events displayed on the Severe Events page have been processed or deleted, the color of the alarm indicator changes from red to blue.


Provides buttons for executing functions that are frequently used in the Event Console window.

[Figure] (Event Details button)

Opens the Event Details window, which displays the detailed attribute information of a selected JP1 event.

[Figure] (Monitor button)

Opens the window of the application from which the selected JP1 event was sent. This button cannot be used in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

[Figure] (Execute Command button)

Opens the Execute Command window, from which the user can execute a command. This button cannot be used in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

[Figure] (Refresh button)

Refreshes the information displayed in the event list.

[Figure] (Action Log button)

Opens the Action Log window to display the execution results of an automated action, if one has been set, for the selected JP1 event.

[Figure] (Tool Launcher button)

Opens the Tool Launcher window. This button cannot be used in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

[Figure] (Central Scope button)

Opens the Monitoring Tree window. This button cannot be used in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Note that this button is disabled if OFF is specified for the -s option of the jcoimdef command and, after starting JP1/IM - Manager, the user restarts the connected JP1/IM - View. For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

[Figure] (Help button)

Displays the online manual.

With the initial JP1/IM - View settings after installation, this button does not work. Refer to the applicable manual for the procedure to enable this button. For Windows, see 1.20 Saving manuals to a computer (for Windows) in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide. For UNIX, see 2.18 Saving manuals to a computer (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide.

Event list

The event list indicates the status of an event (Processed, Unprocessed, Processing, or Held) with a status icon that corresponds to the event status. The following table lists the event statuses and the corresponding status icons.

Table 2‒1: Event statuses and corresponding icons

Event status

Status icon








None (blank)




This status means that, when the suppression of monitoring of repeated events or consolidated display of repeated events is enabled, JP1 events for which different event statuses are set are consolidated into one consolidation event.

When the suppression of monitoring of repeated events is enabled, an exclamation mark (!) is displayed if the repeated events from the first event (a consolidation start event) to the 100th event do not all have the same status. When a consolidation event consists of 101 or more events, an exclamation mark (!) is not displayed even if the 101st or a subsequent repeated event has a different status from the first 100 repeated events.

The statuses that the user can set and how the settings are applied to other pages differ depending on the page. The following table describes the differences.

Table 2‒2: Differences in handling of event status settings among pages


Event statuses that can be set

Number of events whose status can be set at one time

How the settings are applied to other pages#1

Monitor Events

Processed, Processing, Held, and Unprocessed



Severe Events

Processed, Processing, Held, Unprocessed, and Delete#2



Search Events

Processed, Processing, Held, and Unprocessed


After another search is performed

#1: On the Monitor Events or Severe Events page, the event status settings specified on another page are applied automatically (when Automatic refresh is enabled in the Preferences window) or applied when Refresh is chosen from the View menu. On the Search Events page, another search must be performed to acquire the latest information.

The user can also set event statuses from the Related Events window. Which statuses can be set in the Related Events window and how the settings are applied to other pages is the same as on the page from which the window was displayed.

#2: JP1 events that are set to Delete status on the Severe Events page are only hidden on that page. Because these events remain in the event database and integrated monitoring database, they might appear on another page. If this occurs, the user can set the status of the event on that page.

After you set an event to the Delete status, you cannot display it again on the Severe Events page.

The Event level column in the event list shows the severity level (Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, or Debug) of each event. This column displays a character string indicating the severity level type of the event and the corresponding icon.

You can apply text and background colors corresponding to the severity level type to the events displayed in the event lists on the following pages:

  • Monitor Events page

  • Severe Events page

  • Search Events page

To apply text and background colors, enable the setting on the Event Attributes page in the Preferences window.

You can change the text and background colors by editing the system color definition file (systemColor.conf). For details, see System color definition file (systemColor.conf) in 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

The following table lists the types of severity levels, and the corresponding icons, text colors, and background colors.

Table 2‒3: Severity level types and the corresponding icons, text colors, and background colors

Severity level type


Text color#

Background color#























#: This column shows the colors for the default settings.

Note that in the Event Details window, the display item Source host is displayed as Event-issuing server.

In the event list, linefeed codes in event messages are ignored.

When consolidated display of repeated events is enabled

On the Monitor Events and Severe Events pages in the Event Console window, repeated events are consolidated as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2‒2: Example of consolidated display of repeated events


The following items are displayed in a consolidated display of repeated events:

Summary Status

The number of event repetitions is displayed. Note that the displayed number includes one consolidation event. For non-consolidation events, this column is blank.

  • When consolidation has been completed

    The number of event repetitions is displayed. When suppression of monitoring of repeated events is enabled, the range of values that can be displayed is from 1 to 1,000,000.

    When consolidated display of repeated events is enabled, the range of values that can be displayed is from 1 to 100.


  • When consolidation is in progress

    The number of event repetitions, followed by a plus sign (+) indicating that consolidation is in progress, is displayed.

    When only a consolidation start event exists (there are no repeated events yet), 1+ is displayed. When a consolidation start event and one repeated event exist, 2+ is displayed. The range of displayed values in this case is from 1+ to 99+. Note, however, that on the Severe Events page, 0+ is displayed when the consolidation start event has been deleted and no repeated events exist.


If a consolidation start event is deleted on the Severe Events page of the Event Console window, the status of the consolidation start event changes to the deleted status, and Del is displayed to the right of the number of repetitions.


If severe events of the consolidation start event are released, the status of the severe events changes to the released status, and Released is displayed to the right of the number of repetitions.


Thereafter, when consolidation is completed and the event changes to a non-consolidated event in the deleted status or in the severe events released status, the event is no longer displayed on the Severe Events page of the Event Console window.

Display of the processing status of an event

An icon indicating the processing status of a JP1 event is displayed in the leftmost column.

The status icons and their meanings are the same as those displayed on the Monitor Events and Severe Events pages in the Event Console window.

When the statuses of repeated events and a consolidation event are different, an exclamation mark (!) is displayed.



The icon indicating a correlation event is displayed.

Table 2‒4: Type




Indicates that the event is a correlation approval event.


Indicates that the event is a correlation failure event.

If many events occur when the monitoring of repeated events is suppressed, the [Figure] icon is displayed.

As the default setting, the Type column is not displayed. The user can display this column by changing the setting in the Preferences window.


When the function for suppressing automated actions is used, the suppression status is displayed with an icon in the Event Console window. The following table lists the status icons.

Table 2‒5: Action suppression status icons




Action that has not been suppressed.


Action that has been suppressed.


Action that has been partially suppressed.

If many events occur when execution of automated actions is suppressed by a condition for suppressing monitoring of repeated events, the [Figure] icon is displayed.

If a common exclusion-condition prevents an action from being executed, the [Figure] icon is displayed.

When the statuses of repeated events and a consolidation event are different, an exclamation mark (!) is also displayed in the Action column.


Action type

The icon indicating an action type is displayed.

Table 2‒6: Action type

Action type



A command is executed.


A rule startup request is sent to JP1/IM - Rule Operation.

As the default setting, the Action type column is not displayed. The user can display this column by changing the setting in the Preferences window.

Monitor Events tab

Clicking the Monitor Events tab opens the Monitor Events page.

The Monitor Events page is the page displayed when the Event Console window is first opened. This page displays received JP1 events.

If many events occur when events are suppressed by suppression of monitoring of repeated events, the [Figure] icon, which means that many events occurred, is displayed on the page.

Severe Events tab

Clicking the Severe Events tab opens the Severe Events page, which displays only severe events.

If many events occur when events are suppressed by suppression of monitoring of repeated events, the [Figure] icon, which means that many events occurred, is displayed on the page.

Search Events tab

Clicking the Search Events tab opens the Search Events page, which displays JP1 event search results. The user can perform an event search by choosing Search Events from the View menu.

When the integrated monitoring database is used

When the user uses the integrated monitoring database together with the severity changing function, the function for setting memo entries, or the display message change function, the following items are displayed:

New Severity Level

If the user selects New Severity Level as a display item in the Preferences window, the New Severity Level column is displayed as shown below. By default, this column is not displayed.


Original Severity Level

If the user selects Original Severity Level as a display item in the Preferences window, the Original Severity Level column is displayed as shown below. By default, this column is not displayed.



If the user selects Memo as a display item in the Preferences window, the Memo column is displayed. By default, this column is not displayed.

Changed display message

If the user selects Changed display message as a display item in the Preferences window, the Changed display message column is displayed as shown below. By default, this column is not displayed. This column cannot be used when Web-based JP1/IM - View is being used.


New display message

If the user selects New display message as a display item in the Preferences window, the New display message column is displayed as shown below. By default, this column is not displayed. This column cannot be used when Web-based JP1/IM - View is being used.


Display message change definition name

If the user selects Display message change definition name as a display item in the Preferences window, the Display message change definition name column is displayed as shown below. By default, this column is not displayed. This column cannot be used when Web-based JP1/IM - View is being used.


The following table describes the menu items of the Event Console window.

Table 2‒7: Menu items of the Event Console window





Save Displayed Events

Saves the contents of the displayed event list in a CSV file.

This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Central Scope

Opens the Monitoring Tree window.

When the window opens, the user logged in to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) is logged in to the window. The Login window does not appear.

When the Monitoring Tree window and other windows are displayed within a process, the Monitoring Tree window is displayed in front.

This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Note that this command is disabled if OFF is specified for the -s option of the jcoimdef command and, after starting JP1/IM - Manager, the user restarts the connected JP1/IM - View. For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.


If the Monitoring Tree window has been displayed by choosing Central Scope from the File menu or by clicking the [Figure] button, the following occurs:

  • The Monitoring Tree window is brought to the front.

  • The Event Console window is hidden.

  • If the Execute Command, List of Action Results, Event Details, and Related Events windows are displayed, they close.

  • If the Tool Launcher window is displayed, it continues to be displayed.

  • The profile is saved.

If the Monitoring Tree window has not been displayed by choosing Central Scope from the File menu or by clicking the [Figure] button, the following occurs:

  • The message KAVB0122-I is displayed in a dialog box. The user can log out by clicking Yes.

  • If the Execute Command, List of Action Results, Event Details, and Related Events windows are displayed, they close.

  • If the Tool Launcher window is displayed, it closes.

  • The profile is saved.

Exit, Logout

Logs the user out from JP1/IM - Manager, and closes the window that is currently displayed. The following occurs:

  • The message KAVB0122-I is displayed in a dialog box. The user can log out by clicking Yes.

  • The displayed window closes.



Copies the items selected in the displayed event list to the clipboard.

Note that this command does not appear if the copy-to-clipboard function is disabled.#1

This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Select All

Selects all columns in the displayed event list.

Edit Event Details

Displays the Edit Event Details window.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.

Note that this command does not appear if the memo entries setup function is disabled.


View List of Filters

Displays the View List of Filters window.

This command is available when the Monitor Events page or Severe Events page is displayed.

View Filter Settings

Displays the Settings for the View Filter window, which is used to define event display conditions.

This command is available when the Monitor Events page or Severe Events page is displayed.

Apply Filter Settings

Enables or disables view filters.

This command is available when the Monitor Events page or Severe Events page is displayed.

Use specified display event period

Switches between enabling and disabling the display of events for the specified period.

Event Search Conditions

Displays the Search Events page, from which the user can retrieve JP1 events by specifying search conditions.

Search for Next Event

Performs another search to display the next set of search results. The user uses this command when all of the search results cannot be acquired in one search.

This command is not available when there are no events in the event list on the Search Events page or when a JP1 event output by JP1/IM is displayed at the top or bottom of the event list. For details about the JP1 events output by JP1/IM, see 3.2 JP1 events issued by JP1/IM in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

Cancel Search

Cancels the search for JP1 events.

List of Action Results

Displays the List of Action Results window, which lists the execution results of automated actions set in the JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) to which the user is logged in.

Event Details

Displays the Event Details window, which displays detailed attribute information for a selected JP1 event.

Display Related Event List

Displays the Related Events window.

The user can choose this command only in the following cases:

  • When a consolidation event is selected

    The repeated events for the selected consolidation event are listed on the Monitor Events or Severe Events page.

  • When a correlation event is selected

    The correlation source events for the selected correlation event are listed on the Monitor Events, Severe Events, or Search Events page.

  • When correlation events that have been consolidated are selected

    The repeated events that are correlation events for the selected consolidation event are listed on the Monitor Events or Severe Events page.

    In this case, the user can right-click a correlation event in the list to display a pop-up menu, from which the user can display a list of correlation source events for the correlation event.


Displays the window for manipulating the information about the program that issued the selected JP1 event.

This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Action Log

Displays the Action Log window.

When an automated action has been defined for the selected JP1 event, the execution results of the automated action are displayed in the window.

Register Incident

Displays the Select the process work board as the registration target window, which is used to register incidents in JP1/Service Support.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command. Note that JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) provides a setting that displays this menu item, and this menu item is displayed only when that setting is specified.#2

Also note that this menu item is disabled in the following cases:

  • No JP1 events are selected in the event list on a page.

  • The selected JP1 events are JP1 events displayed in the Search Events page as a result of performing an event search for a host that is not the JP1/IM - Manager host to which JP1/IM - View is connected.

  • The JP1 user who has logged in to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) has only JP1_Console_User permission or no permission.

Execute Command (Event Inheritance)

Displays the Execute Command window with the settings for inheriting the events selected in the event list. Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.

Display Performance

Opens a report window in JP1/PFM - Web Console that shows the performance of the host where the event selected in the event list occurred, at the time that the event occurred.

This menu item does not appear if the function for displaying performance reports of event-source hosts is disabled.#3

This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

This menu item is disabled in the following cases:

  • No JP1 events are selected in the Event Console window.

  • More than one JP1 event is selected in the Event Console window.

  • A dummy event is selected.


Sets the status of the selected events to Processed.

When this command is executed, [Figure] is displayed in the first column of the selected events.

This command is available when the Monitor Events, Severe Events, or Search Events page is displayed.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.


Sets the status of the selected events to Unprocessed.

This command is available when the Monitor Events, Severe Events, or Search Events page is displayed.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.


Sets the status of the selected events to Processing.

When this command is executed, [Figure] is displayed in the first column of the selected events.

This command is available when the Monitor Events, Severe Events, or Search Events page is displayed.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.


Sets the status of the selected events to Held.

When this command is executed, [Figure] is displayed in the first column of the selected events.

This command is available when the Monitor Events, Severe Events, or Search Events page is displayed.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.


Deletes the severe events selected on the Severe Events page from the window, regardless of their status.

Although the events are deleted from the window, they are not actually deleted from the event database and integrated monitoring database.

After deleting an event in this way, you cannot display it on the Severe Events page again.

This command is available when the Severe Events page is displayed.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.

Release Severe Events

Changes the JP1 events displayed on the Severe Events page to non-severe events.

Note that if the integrated monitoring database is disabled, this command is not displayed.

If the user releases a severe event, the status of the event changes to the released status. Because the released events are no longer severe events, they no longer appear on the Severe Events page. Once a severe event has been released, the action cannot be undone.

Only users that have the JP1_Console_Admin permission can execute this command.

Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions

Displays the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window, which is used to set the selected event as a common exclusion-condition (extended).

Only users that have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command.

Suppress by Repeated Event Conditions

Displays the Repeated Event Condition Settings window.

The user selects a JP1 event in the event list on the Monitor Events, Severe Events, or Search Events page before clicking this menu command. When the Repeated Event Condition Settings window opens, the conditions for the selected JP1 event are displayed in the window.

This command can be executed when suppression of monitoring of repeated events is enabled.

Only users that have JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command cannot be executed from Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Add Severity Change Definition Settings

Displays the Add Severity Change Definition Settings window.

The user selects a JP1 event in the event list on the Monitor Events, Severe Events, or Search Events page before clicking this menu command. When the Add Severity Change Definition Settings window opens, the conditions for the selected JP1 event are displayed in the window.

This command is available when severity changing definitions are enabled.

Only users who have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command cannot be executed from Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Add Display Message Change Definition Settings

Displays the Add Display Message Change Definition Settings window.

The user selects an event in the event list on the Monitor Events, Severe Events, or Search Events page before clicking this menu command. When the Add Display Message Change Definitions window opens, the conditions for the selected JP1 event are displayed in the window.

This command is available when display message change definitions are enabled.

Only users who have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command cannot be executed from Web-based JP1/IM - View.

This command can be used only if the IM database has been updated by using the jimdbupdate command after an upgrade installation was performed from version 10-50 or earlier.

Auto Scroll

Switches between enabling and disabling automatic scrolling of the event list on the Monitor Events or Severe Events page.

When automatic scrolling is enabled, the slider on the scroll bar of the event list automatically moves to the bottom when a new JP1 event is received.


Refreshes the information displayed in the Event Console window.


System Environment Settings

Displays the System Environment Settings window, which is used to set up the system environment. The user can use the window to change the JP1/IM basic operation settings such as the filter conditions and buffer size for collecting events.

Users that have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

User Preferences

Displays the Preferences window, which is used to set up the user environment. The user can use the window to enable automatic refresh during event monitoring and set the items to be displayed in the event list.

Event Receiver Filter Settings

Displays the Settings for Event Receiver Filter window, which is used to specify user filter settings.

Users that have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Severe Event Definitions

Displays the Severe Event Definitions window, which is used to define the conditions for treating JP1 events as severe events.

Users that have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Event-Information Mapping Definitions

Displays the Event-Information Mapping Definitions window, which is used to map the items displayed in the event list with specific extended attributes.

Users that have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Automated Action Parameter Settings

Displays the Action Parameter Definitions window, which is used to specify the settings for automated actions.

Users that have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Repeated Event Condition Settings

Displays the List of Repeated Event Conditions window.

This command can be executed when suppression of monitoring of repeated events is enabled.

Only users that have JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command cannot be executed from Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Severity Change Definitions

Displays the View Severity Change Definitions window.

This command is available when severity changing definitions are enabled.

Only users who have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command cannot be executed from Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Display Message Change Definitions

Displays the Display Message Change Definitions window.

This command is available when display message change definitions are enabled.

Only users who have the JP1_Console_Admin#4 permission can execute this command. This command cannot be executed from Web-based JP1/IM - View.

This command can be used only if the IM database has been updated by using the jimdbupdate command after an upgrade installation was performed from version 10-50 or earlier.

Function-Status Notification Return

Cancels the notification suppression that was caused during delay monitoring, status monitoring, or accumulation monitoring of automated actions.

The user can select Action Delay Monitoring or Action Status Monitoring as the type of monitoring for which notification suppression is to be canceled.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.

Note that this command is disabled in the following cases:

  • When the function is not supported by the notification function

  • When the notification function has never been used

Execute Command

Displays the Execute Command window, which is used to execute a command on a monitored host.

Users that have JP1_Console_Admin permission or JP1_Console_Operator permission can execute this command.

This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

Tool Launcher

Displays the Tool Launcher window.

This command is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.


Help Contents

Displays the Help contents.

About JP1/IM - View

Displays the JP1/IM - View version information.

In Web-based JP1/IM - View, this command displays the JP1/IM - Manager version information.

#1: This command appears when the copy-to-clipboard function is enabled in the IM-View settings file (tuning.conf). For details, see IM-View settings file (tuning.conf) in 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

#2: This menu command is displayed when the settings described in the following procedure have been specified:

To specify the settings for launching a JP1/Service Support window:

For details, see 9.1.1 Enabling calling the JP1/Service Support window in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide.

#3: This menu item is displayed only if the function for displaying performance reports of event-source hosts is enabled. For details about this function, see 8.8 Linking with JP1/PFM in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

#4: If the function for restricting reference permissions and operation permissions is enabled for business groups, this operation might not be performed depending on the combination of the JP1 resource group and permission level. For details, see 3.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.